04-11-2021 05:07 PM - edited 04-11-2021 05:10 PM
Not going to say the buyers ID cause it isn't allowed but a Buyer bought an item from me.. I printed label and going to ship like I am suppose to.... I look at his "Feedback left for others"... He has given 85 Negatives and 1 positive for his last 86 purchases, all in the last 6 months... When he doesn't leave positive, he leaves a comment like "OK for the money but quality isn't that great"...
How can a buyer like this not be seen by eBay and be banned?.. SMH... I just do what I always do... Pack securely, add tracking and ship it...
04-11-2021 08:40 PM
$1.75 plus $3.97 shipping...
A lot of potential headache for so little profit/time. Wonder if he targets low dollar items to get them for free once he leaves a neg?
I'd be tempted to kill him with kindness - include a hand written note thanking him (short one) for supporting your small business. Maybe even include a small freebie. Then, again - rewarding this type of behavior seems so wrong. BBL for certain. (My guess is that no matter what you do or do not, it a carp-shoot either way)
May the e-bay gods send you many new orders with fantabulous buyers to offset this one buyer who likes red more than green.
Good lucK!
04-11-2021 08:40 PM
I would disagree. I look up a lot more than just FB on some buyers. It prepares me ahead of time if the buyer will be a problem or not. I have been here for over 20 years using several ID's. I sell some expensive things and I want to know all about the buyer that I can to ward off any problems. Google the shipping address. I have saved a couple of transactions from going bad after finding out the address was an empty lot or did not actually exist. If you plan on protecting yourself in the world personally or with a business, knowledge is key. It is also interesting to see just who is buying from me. You would be amazed at the names and addresses that I have shipped things to. Senators, high profile attorneys, high profile people at Apple, movie actors, etc. It's not a snooping thing, just a hobby. eBay does it and so does someone every time you go online.
04-11-2021 08:43 PM
Yeah, I wouldn't try to demand anything from eBay unless you like being laughed at. A simple request would be sufficient as most eBay CS people are very nice from what I have experienced.
04-11-2021 08:44 PM
Good point. I have seen the same.
04-11-2021 08:57 PM
@forklift0_00 wrote:Just about all of them talk about quality of the item being junk.. Looks like it is jewelry.... I also noticed all the bad feedback are sellers from China... I'm just selling off my 60,000 plus lapel pin collection.. The item I sold was a lapel pin for $1.75 plus $3.97 shipping...
How hilarious!
The guy buys cheap junk then is surprised when each item that arrives is cheap junk! 🙄
If I were you I would immediately BLOCK him to prevent him from buying more from you...
04-11-2021 08:59 PM
@greatmidwestcoin wrote:Here's what I would do. A pre-emptive strike. When you mail the item include a couple of dollars. If you have already mailed the item, smother him with customer service. Refund him 10-20% of his funds telling him how much you appreciated his business. Lose money if you have to. Refund shipping, anything. And above all, block the !%$@#!.
This can't be serious advice?
You want OP to kiss the #%**& of a serial offender? LOOOL
Sorry but that's just laughable to me.
04-11-2021 09:09 PM
@iart wrote:This is a good reason to not bother with looking up a buyer's feedback. You did this. It was bad. You might get a negative but now you have to be concerned about it until you hear from the buyer.
If you hadn't bothered to look it up you'd have the same outcome and much less worry beforehand.
Ignorance is bliss? I guess you have a point there.
04-11-2021 09:16 PM
@jonathankirkland wrote:
@greatmidwestcoin wrote:Here's what I would do. A pre-emptive strike. When you mail the item include a couple of dollars. If you have already mailed the item, smother him with customer service. Refund him 10-20% of his funds telling him how much you appreciated his business. Lose money if you have to. Refund shipping, anything. And above all, block the !%$@#!.
This can't be serious advice?
You want OP to kiss the #%**& of a serial offender? LOOOL
Sorry but that's just laughable to me.
I was jokingly going to say (but it probably will work) that if you already full refund him in ebay AND tell him you already shipped the item, the buyer probably won’t leave you a negative.
Hm, but then again it might confuse him and your unorthodox method may motivate him more to leave you a neg.
04-11-2021 11:47 PM
I wouldn't give the guy a dime but just package the order properly and ship promptly. I don't believe in pandering to cranky people - they can take it or leave it. Besides, what @inhawaii says is true - he might only leave negs but have purchased thousands of items.