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How about an honest buyer story?

I shipped a $25 silver coin to a buyer earlier this month. The package went to the post office on the 4th, and on the 9th it said delivery needed to be rescheduled or it would be returned to sender.


Buyer has one FB (mine) and I thought maybe they were just waiting and waiting for the package while it was at the post office.


So I messaged the buyer to tell him his package is there (because I really don't want to deal with an undeliverable return).


He writes back to tell me he doesn't know why the tracking says that, but everything's fine and he has my coin. This proves to me that honest people will always be honest.


I've told my friends at work when telling my "story of the day" of eBay stories that when things go wrong it only matters if your buyer is dishonest (like the guy who said he didn't get his $80 in silver when it didn't delivery scan after "out for delivery"). If a buyer is honest, it doesn't matter if the post office is being sloppy, they won't cheat you.


I also explained there's scammers who set out to scam (like the ones we read about in the forum, especially praying upon new sellers), and then there are scammers who are opportunists who will take advantage if they have an opportunity, but they won't exert effort into being deceitful unless presented with a good opportunity.



Message 1 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

One of my earlier buyers actually contacted me to advise that I had sent a 17pce knife block set instead of the 15pce and asked if I paid for the shipping she would send it back and I would send the correct one.


I would not have noticed until I did the stock check at month's end, so this was very kind of her.


I apologised of course, and asked if she would prefer the bigger one, or was there something about the smaller one she liked more, (slightly different styles) she said she was happy with the big one so I let her keep it.


So far so good, her next message ''how do I pay you the difference'', and so grateful when I said my error is your gift.

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 2 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

I had a customer who returned a coin and said he had ordered it by mistake.He enclosed a 5 dollar bill for my trouble ! I still have it in front of me on my desk.

Also some years ago I sent 171.00 to the wrong person.I emailed her and she returned the money.

 Most people are honest. The ones who are not make it hard for the rest of us.People repeat the bad things they hear that happened on Ebay. Seems to others that we are all ripping people off. One of my neighbors who didn't know I sell on Ebay talked about all the people getting ripped off here. I filled her in .Told her about feedback and reviews.A good way to find honest sellers.

 God Bless,Carmine


Message 3 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

Many years ago I sold a purse for $65 to a lady in Italy.   Back then you could ship small items as first class packages for not much money.   No tracking, of course.  So that is how I sent the purse.


About 30 days later, she wanted to know where her purse was.   I told her when it was sent and gave her the US customs number which tracks the package up until it leaves the US, which it had.   I also said check with the post office or Italian customs and if it doesn't show up in a few weeks I would refund her.


Another week goes by and she messages me (in Italian) I want to buy the purse for $100.  I replied (in English) with the customs number, basically rinse & repeat.


Another week and she (in English) wants me to send her a copy of the post office mailing receipt.  I have the receipt on my desk right in front of me.   I message her back (in English)  Receipt not available.


Another week, I refund her fully.


Another message from her (in English) wanting to buy the purse for $100.


Don't hear any more from her for about two months but then  (in English), she says purse arrived, how much does she owe me?  I reply that I wrote the purse off two months ago and she owes me nothing.  Her reply (in English) If you are ever in Rome, let me know and I will treat you to dinner.


Message 4 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

Your stories are so helpful. I hope that I will have lots of honest buyer like that in the future.

Message 5 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

Another one.


Many years ago, an buyer in England won an auction for a model train car.   A few minutes later a buyer in New Zealand won an auction for a different model train car.   English buyer pays almost immediately so I package up the NZ car and ship it off to England that same day.   Next day, NZ buyer pays and, to my horror, I realize his car is on its way to England.   I package up the England car and ship it off to England along with an email to the English buyer about the mistake.   Would English buyer please forward the car to the NZ address I gave him and I will paypal you whatever the postage cost is.  Also, I told him there would be special markings on the address label for the car that he ordered.


Don't hear anything from either buyer but about 10 days later notice my FB has gone up by two.   One from the NZ buyer and one from the England buyer.   England buyer wants about $7 for shipping which I gladly do by paypal right after I get his message.


I can't speak for the current situation, but honest buyers did exist back then.

Message 6 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

At the Holidays we had a buyer purchase a higher-dollar valued video game new/sealed.  We were supposed to send them the "black" label original game and sent him the "greatest hits version".  The black label game was about $180 and we had the greatest hits listed for $75.  Both New/Sealed.  Received a panicked email asking us about the correct game.  


We were about a week, maybe 8-9 days out from Santa arriving.  We offered to refund him the difference, as it was the same game.  He said it was on his son's Christmas list, needed the black label game.  Asked us to send the correct game and he would mail back the wrong game.


The next morning via 2-day Fedex AM delivery, we sent the Black label game.  It arrived well before Santa did.  Kicked myself, as I figured we would never see the greatest hits game and we spent quite a bit to Fedex the 2nd game, but totally our error, etc., so just chalked it up to a really expensive lesson.  


Sometime right after the New Year holiday, we received a parcel with our Greatest hits game inside and a holiday card.  Inside the card was a nice hand written note and a $20 bill, thanking us for getting them the correct game in time to be under the tree.  


Same buyer has purchased video games from us 2 more times.  We have refunded his shipping each time and were kinda shocked he decided to shop with us again after we messed up so badly right at the holiday wire.


Some how the greatest hits game, still in a bubble mailer, ended up buried on my desk.  We finally re-listed it right before Easter and it sold for $145, the lowest price at the time. 



....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 7 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

I am of the belief that most people are honest and are not out to rip you off.


Years before eBay and for a few years into eBay's early start I would send items prior to payment.  It was easy, if your happy pay me, if not return the item.  I was never ripped off.   


Coin Dealers use to do this a lot years ago, I believe they called it "Sent on Approval" and you either purchased or returned the items.


In 40 years I have been ripped off three times because I sent money to purchase something (not on eBay) and once on eBay because of a clever scheme.



Message 8 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

They used to exist.

Message 9 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

Very nice, enjoyable thread @sin-n-dex .


This made me feel good just reading through it-   enjoyed each and every story..


Perhaps this should be pinned to the top of the board. LOL

People in life that are the happiest don't have the most,, they make the most of what they have...

Message 10 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

Most buyers are honest & I almost never have issues, even these days.   Back in the olden days, I once sold a pair of shoes for .99 at auction.   Buyer felt guilty & bad that she got them so cheap, as they were in great shape & sent me an additional $10 just b/c she felt that it was the right thing to do 🙂  

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 11 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

@thtran-61 wrote:

Your stories are so helpful. I hope that I will have lots of honest buyer like that in the future.

To be honest, I'm really tired of all the complaining that goes on (and some of it isn't even justified, but I do get the need to complain about things).


I try not to post on those threads, but rather start my own.



Message 12 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

@simply-the-best-for-you wrote:

Most buyers are honest & I almost never have issues, even these days.   Back in the olden days, I once sold a pair of shoes for .99 at auction.   Buyer felt guilty & bad that she got them so cheap, as they were in great shape & sent me an additional $10 just b/c she felt that it was the right thing to do 🙂  

OMGosh that might have been me LOL


I did that once MANY moons ago.. 

People in life that are the happiest don't have the most,, they make the most of what they have...

Message 13 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

@pikabo-icu wrote:

Very nice, enjoyable thread @sin-n-dex .


This made me feel good just reading through it-   enjoyed each and every story..


Perhaps this should be pinned to the top of the board. LOL

Not necessary, every week I start a new thread or two, as stuff comes up.


I have lots of activity in my store so I don't think I'll run out of stories.



Message 14 of 29
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How about an honest buyer story?

@simply-the-best-for-you wrote:

Most buyers are honest & I almost never have issues, even these days.   Back in the olden days, I once sold a pair of shoes for .99 at auction.   Buyer felt guilty & bad that she got them so cheap, as they were in great shape & sent me an additional $10 just b/c she felt that it was the right thing to do 🙂  

That's probably one thing I wouldn't do (send bonus money). I'm kind of the opinion that a deal's a deal, and I don't want a buyer to send me extra money because he feels guilty or thinks the item is worth more. I've had it come up with buyers a few times and I've told them a deal's a deal.


I had a few good deals with stamps (good for me, maybe not for the seller). I think getting good deals as a buyer is part of the buying game and if someone gets an amazing deal from me (like a few times when I've made a price mistake while listing), I hope they come back and keep shopping in my store because it was a positive experience for them.



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