06-18-2021 08:42 PM
I shipped a $25 silver coin to a buyer earlier this month. The package went to the post office on the 4th, and on the 9th it said delivery needed to be rescheduled or it would be returned to sender.
Buyer has one FB (mine) and I thought maybe they were just waiting and waiting for the package while it was at the post office.
So I messaged the buyer to tell him his package is there (because I really don't want to deal with an undeliverable return).
He writes back to tell me he doesn't know why the tracking says that, but everything's fine and he has my coin. This proves to me that honest people will always be honest.
I've told my friends at work when telling my "story of the day" of eBay stories that when things go wrong it only matters if your buyer is dishonest (like the guy who said he didn't get his $80 in silver when it didn't delivery scan after "out for delivery"). If a buyer is honest, it doesn't matter if the post office is being sloppy, they won't cheat you.
I also explained there's scammers who set out to scam (like the ones we read about in the forum, especially praying upon new sellers), and then there are scammers who are opportunists who will take advantage if they have an opportunity, but they won't exert effort into being deceitful unless presented with a good opportunity.
06-19-2021 11:12 AM - edited 06-19-2021 11:14 AM
About 18 months ago someone purchased 10 items at $20 each. He then asked me not to ship them yet and if it was ok if he switched some of the items around with other items I had for the same price, said he would go ahead an pay with the understanding that he be allowed to switch some for others of same price.
I understood what he meant and said I will keep the items he already selected set aside for him (not paid for yet). I asked him not to pay for anything until he has made the switches as he wanted. If he paid then the clock starts ticking for me to ship them.
This was when eBay would charge their commission because a item said sold even though you had not been paid yet. So I told him it would be ok as long as we can take care of it within 30 days otherwise it becomes problematic getting the commissions refunded.
We took care of everything within two weeks and he actually purchased a few more items. He was so happy that I worked with him because most people did not understand what he was trying to do and would not work with him. I understood him perfectly. He had already agreed to spend $200 and was not trying to get out of spending $200. He had seen other stuff I had that he would rather have.
Eighteen months ago you had access to each others eMails. Before I even mailed the package he sent me a $20 tip by way of PayPal. What a nice surprise!!!... 🤗
06-19-2021 11:38 AM
What a cool story! It was nice when you had access to emails and could truly communicate if you needed to with a Buyer. (a few ruin it for all).
You story made me smile today. I already miss the days of repeat customers and building a rapport with regular buyers. Everyone's cash spends, but it was always really nice (still is, but in-frequent) to have a repeat/regular buyer shop again with you. Especially, as we could let them know I got something in that might be of interest to them.
Thanks for sharing. What a neat story.
06-19-2021 12:35 PM
I have had those type of stories but this one always stayed with me. I was the buyer and had purchase a vintage Mr. Peanut book mark from a seller back in 2012. Was looking forward to receiving. (Have a large collection for my oldest son). I received a letter from the seller notified me that she felt horrible but could not locate. She stated maybe the dog had ate it. (I was thinking , yeah like the dog and the kids homework.) and sent $5 bill for my troubles (PayPal had already reimbursed due to cancelled order.) No feedback left by me...just let it go.
A few months go by (maybe 6) and had long forgotten completely about this past incident. I than received a lovely note from the seller with the Vintage Mr. Peanut item! She went on to say her dog had not apparently eaten the item and while she was making amends to her dog, wanted me to have this item.
I will never forget her openness and kindness
06-19-2021 02:06 PM
In the early years of eBay I sold an antique platinum diamond ring for $750.
The buyer & I communicated & learned he was in Connecticut and I New York City.
I agreed to drive & meet him midway at some mall in Westchester about 1 hour from my home and 1 hour from his home and deliver the ring for cash.
When I arrived there in the coffee shop of the mall with the ring in my pocket, I fainted from the heat dead down on the floor. He arrived afterwards and I figured out who he was from my position lying down on the floor! I was mortified! He showed so much care & concern for me & my weakened condition he actually stayed with me all day long for about 8 hours until the mall was closing and we were pushed out into the mall’s parking lot. I still was in no shape to drive myself home.
He drove me home my lying down in the back seat of my car 🚗 to Manhattan which necessitated him then taking a taxi cab to the railroad, take the train and another taxi cab from the stop in Westchester back to the mall to pickup his car then drive himself 1 hour away to his home.
He left me positive feedback for his diamond platinum ring purchase the next day!
06-19-2021 02:09 PM
WoW! Whoever that guy gave that ring to, got one of the greatest guys on earth! WoW!
06-19-2021 02:16 PM
@pikabo-icu wrote:
@simply-the-best-for-you wrote:Most buyers are honest & I almost never have issues, even these days. Back in the olden days, I once sold a pair of shoes for .99 at auction. Buyer felt guilty & bad that she got them so cheap, as they were in great shape & sent me an additional $10 just b/c she felt that it was the right thing to do 🙂
OMGosh that might have been me LOL
I did that once MANY moons ago..
I did that once - a seller listed an early 50s coat, and sadly they used the auction format and started it at .99 or something. It went to me as second bidder for $11. I got the coat and it was a wonderful, perfect, like new and extremely stylish coat. I couldn't stand getting such a piece for $11 and send her an extra $11 (still a massive bargain) explaining that it was so nice and consider it a 'tip' for the white glove packing.
Another time a buyer did a pick-up at gave me cash for my seller fees, which were about $10, because she felt it was such a good bargain.
06-19-2021 02:31 PM
There are tons of honest buyers on here.... you usually only see losers who are so desperate for a free item that they will lower themselves to lying to get something for free when they actually go ahead and file a complaint and you see what load of garbage this one is dealing you lol 🙂 What gets me is that when buyers file a complaint that for instance, shows a picture of something you supposedly sent them that you never ever even owned in your life.... they KNOW that you know they are lying.. like you must really have zero shame.
What I find sad is that a post even had to been made like this one (yes it is great to see a story about someone who was honest and didn't try to scam you when they had the opportunity)..
But that just goes to show you just how bad things are here, that we have to celebrate when someone does the right thing or what they should be doing.... really a sad narrative about the nonsense that goes on around here.
06-19-2021 03:48 PM
Nice to read some happy posts for a change... Thanks to all who shared!
06-19-2021 04:42 PM
I hear what you are saying...but for exactly your words is why we need good stories and add happiness to our day that is usually filled with so much negativity from media and spill over. Nothing like a good attitude to break a spell.
We all need to hear more of these to break the pattern and to renew our spirit.
I know it makes me feel good and I don't think I am alone.
06-19-2021 06:54 PM
@magic*moonbeams wrote:There are tons of honest buyers on here.... you usually only see losers who are so desperate for a free item that they will lower themselves to lying to get something for free when they actually go ahead and file a complaint and you see what load of garbage this one is dealing you lol 🙂 What gets me is that when buyers file a complaint that for instance, shows a picture of something you supposedly sent them that you never ever even owned in your life.... they KNOW that you know they are lying.. like you must really have zero shame.
What I find sad is that a post even had to been made like this one (yes it is great to see a story about someone who was honest and didn't try to scam you when they had the opportunity)..
But that just goes to show you just how bad things are here, that we have to celebrate when someone does the right thing or what they should be doing.... really a sad narrative about the nonsense that goes on around here.
There's so much negativity, and the guy telling me he got his coin and everything was fine (when he could have just said it never arrived) made me feel good. I decided to come here to share.
I have lots of great customers (most of my great customers just keep returning to buy more stuff, and it's pretty drama free). I don't feel the need to discuss each and every one, but when I see post after post of negative issues with eBay, I thought my thread would be a refreshing change.
06-20-2021 02:34 AM
@pikabo-icu wrote:
@simply-the-best-for-you wrote:Most buyers are honest & I almost never have issues, even these days. Back in the olden days, I once sold a pair of shoes for .99 at auction. Buyer felt guilty & bad that she got them so cheap, as they were in great shape & sent me an additional $10 just b/c she felt that it was the right thing to do 🙂
OMGosh that might have been me LOL
I did that once MANY moons ago..
I can't remember when it was, but probably late 90's, early 2000's. I started selling in 97 & it was pretty early on. If it was you, thank you! That's a really nice thing to do!
06-20-2021 02:37 AM
@sin-n-dex wrote:
@simply-the-best-for-you wrote:Most buyers are honest & I almost never have issues, even these days. Back in the olden days, I once sold a pair of shoes for .99 at auction. Buyer felt guilty & bad that she got them so cheap, as they were in great shape & sent me an additional $10 just b/c she felt that it was the right thing to do 🙂
That's probably one thing I wouldn't do (send bonus money). I'm kind of the opinion that a deal's a deal, and I don't want a buyer to send me extra money because he feels guilty or thinks the item is worth more. I've had it come up with buyers a few times and I've told them a deal's a deal.
I get that. I didn't even have a choice. This was before the PP days. She just sent me money & sent the extra with a note why. It would have been silly to send it back in the snail mail. It was really sweet & kind, but yeah, I probably wouldn't accept it now. Not that too many would offer LOL.
06-20-2021 03:05 AM - edited 06-20-2021 03:07 AM
Buyer makes a low-ball / unreasonable offer? Feel free to decline, as you can and should.
Buyer makes a "in the ballpark" offer, but not in your mind good enough? Feel free to counter, which the buyer in turn can counter or reject.
Buyer makes a reasonable offer, one you can and are happy to live with? Feel free to accept.
Regardless whether or not you accept offers, and no matter how many inquiries of interest you may or may not receive from "buyers", unless and until you "see" the money -- i.e., buyers can and do kick at the tires all they want, but unless and until they actually BUY as in pay? Do NOT ship!!! (Other than responding to inquiries, which may at times seem like time wasting per se but, honestly, it's all part and parcel of being in retail/sales, no problem at all).
06-20-2021 04:43 AM
Huh? Wrong thread, man. This is the feel good thread..lmao