02-12-2024 01:27 PM
That the seller thinks "Yeah, I probably deserved that" and just moved on?
I don't know if I've done that. BUT, I have thought to myself, "I'd rather have that Neg than to send a refund"
Unfortunately, that's not what I think about my latest negative.
I'm scared to send a feedback revision request because the revision might actually be worse 😂
02-12-2024 01:45 PM
I have two negs. Neither one bothers me as much as the neutral that eBay is supposed to remove.
First neg was someone attempting to scam a free processor. I just replied that I don't give stuff away and all serial numbers must match.
Second neg I fully expected to get and I am satisfied with it for costing the buyer money. The item was sold and canceled like 4 times by foreign buyers using bots. I refused the cancel and shipped it to the buyer's freight forwarder just so he would have to pay international shipping to return it. It was returned via UPS Worldwide, no way that was cheap. I'd do the same thing all over again.
02-12-2024 01:53 PM
Been a couple of years since I had a doozie. Buyer left me a couple of rants that eBay removed due to his wanting a partial and I said no and sent a return label.
He never sent the item back and eBay removed the neg and neutral because he was asking for a partial and partials were not part of the listing, only Free Returns were offered.
02-12-2024 01:59 PM
I think the buyer got you confused with another seller. It sure sounds like that in the feedback and reply by you. I would contact ebay and ask them to remove the feedback as it is not about your transaction. You have great feedback anyway and one bad buyer cannot change that.
02-12-2024 02:03 PM
Best I can tell, buyer left me a negative for somebody else's item. It's sure not the item I sent, and he did leave the same negative for somebody else.
BUT, he's in Guatemala.... He bought it Dec 7th and it's just now showing to be "processed at delivery terminal". That's over two months, and while it is moving, it's not there "yet". And, we have had some "where is it?" discussions.
So, I'm afraid to ask for a revisions. It might get worse. Yikes
02-12-2024 02:15 PM - edited 02-12-2024 02:17 PM
I would bite the bullet and send the fb revision request. You know what you sold them and if the fb doesn't fit then it deserves to be revised.
I've been staring at my last neg for a year now. Almost ready to fall off.... PTL.! After I got it, I reached out to the customer, replaced the item asap and spoke to them regularly via messaging. I sent them a revision request but they ignored it, so I just typed what they said in their last message to me in my reply to the fb. At least give me a chance to rectify the problem. it was a dropship item and wood, so yeah, brown spots do happen on wood but unfortunately I didn't see it before shipment.
I hope that anyone that reads my fb will know that I work with my customers. Yours looks the same. Good luck and I hope that they revise it to a positive!
02-12-2024 02:38 PM
I remember back in the day. This happen, I would just load up on listings the next month and bury it with pretty feedback.
Can't do that anymore though.
Just won't work that way anymore.
02-12-2024 03:40 PM
I think you can get this taken off with a feedback request if the part hasn't even arrived. OTOH, it sure won't hurt your rating as the FB and reply are kind of a hoot.
02-12-2024 03:48 PM
I'd suggest Messaging the buyer and asking them if they'd be willing to undo the Negative.
I've never had a Buyer do anything good with a Revisision Request UNLESS they agreed to it before I sent it.
I'm not sending them anymore without having a pre-agreed conversation with them first.
02-12-2024 03:57 PM
The buyer had a feedback of 1....like anyone is actually to pay any attention to this buyer....
You already responded to buyer....so a revision might indeed make it worse.
Buyer probably will end up as a unregistered eBayer down the road.
Wouldn't waste my time with this buyer.
02-13-2024 08:55 AM
The Plan: It's been two months since I shipped his order. We have been in contact about this a few times and "so far" he seems to be understanding that it's out of my hands. AND more importantly, he thinks I care due to ME, contacting him, every week or so with a tracking update. Even though, he is seeing that tracking same as I am.
When the item finally gets delivered, I'll contact him again to check on the condition and make sure all is good.
If all is good, I'll send a revision request.
If not, I'll just move on and go back to whining about how eBay search doesn't work like I think it should 😂