09-12-2018 12:00 AM
I had 2 buyers purchase an item from me on the same day: a wallet and a handbag by the same designer. The handbag cost $150 while the wallet was only $40.
I somehow must've clicked the "Print shipping label" email link twice for one order and I ended up sending both the wallet and the handbag to the buyer who only purchased the wallet!
I've already messaged the wallet buyer and notified her there will be 2 packages coming her way, and kindly requested that she "return to sender" the other package (I've pointed out which package is hers based on the tracking number). Both packages are unforuntately sent to the wallet buyer's name and address. Legally, she can open and keep both packages, since it was sent to her, am I right?
I'm kicking myself hard for this big screw up and worry that I'll be out the $150 for the handbag.
I've already refunded the handbag buyer her money since I cannot fulfill her order soon (or at all, if I don't get the handbag back).
Any advice on what I can do from here?
09-12-2018 12:49 AM
Well, if you don't want to rely on the buyer who's getting both packages to return the one he/she didn't buy, you can always have the package intercepted enroute by USPS.
Costs about $13 or so, but at least that way you'd know you'd get it back. Here's the details: https://www.usps.com/manage/package-intercept.htm
09-12-2018 01:38 AM
09-12-2018 07:39 AM
If it makes you feel any better, most sellers have made similar shipping mistakes at one time or another. It is just the cost of doing business. And yes, legally the person can keep the extra item. My most recent brain (bleep) mistake was to cancel the wrong item as two items adjacent to each other on my sold list looked just alike to my graduated bifocals.
09-12-2018 07:49 AM
Maybe the buyer won't even open the box with the handbag before returning. Unless they look at your selling history how would they know what's in that box? Or, if they do open the box, they are honest and will return it.
I've made a lot of mistakes here over the years such as the dreaded switcheroo in which TWO customers got the wrong item. On ebay the customers have been terrific about it. On Amazon it's tough because so many buyers there do not respond to emails.
09-12-2018 08:44 AM
You've done the right thing by asking the buyer to refuse the package. For an item of that value I would take the extra step of initiating the Package Intercept.
09-12-2018 09:19 AM
If it's too late to intercept the package, I would contact the buyer (if you haven't already) thank them for their business, explain your mistake, ask them to return the handbag, offer them a prepaid shipping label, maybe offer some other incentive for the trouble, then wait for their response or no response. That's about all you can do if the buyer has already received the package.
09-12-2018 06:11 PM
Thanks for the help guys.
I was able to do a USPS intercept and now the status is "intercepted". It cost me $13.
The package was Priority Mail and it had just reached its final destination, but wasn't out for delivery yet, if that mattered.
Now I'm just waiting for the package to return.
Thanks again for the suggestion to intercept.