01-26-2025 08:43 AM
I got this e-mail today:
01-26-2025 08:45 AM - edited 01-26-2025 08:46 AM
Maybe you just didn't sell enough to meet the $$ criteria in a rolling 12-month period. Mine comes and goes because I'm back to selling part-time.
ETA: You can try doubling down on sales for this period of time if that indeed is the reason.
01-26-2025 08:53 AM
I wondered if that was the reason. But, how do they come up with total? I have a spreadsheet that shows
I received $1,398.09 from eBay. I guess, it isn't a big deal, as long as I did everything else correctly.
Thanks for your time and help.
01-26-2025 09:27 AM
“Transactions and sales 149transactions$942.92sales”
TRS status require $1,000 in sales
01-26-2025 09:56 AM
@wrightstuff4u09 wrote: ... But, how do they come up with total? I have a spreadsheet that showsI received $1,398.09 from eBay. I guess, it isn't a big deal, as long as I did everything else correctly.
The TRS criteria require $1000 in sales from US buyers. That $1000 doesn't include shipping or purchases by buyers outside of the US.
01-26-2025 10:18 AM
Ah, that makes a lot more sense. I can come within $30.00 of their total. Thank you for the help. I appreciate it very much.
01-26-2025 11:52 AM
Only thing I’m seeing is maybe the sales under 1k
01-26-2025 11:54 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Like chap, my IDs go in and out of TRS all the time.
01-26-2025 11:12 PM
The email is pretty specific. "...but recently you didn’t meet one or more of the sales, volume or tracking upload goals set for all Top Rated Sellers in the US region." You sales volume looks find, so it is likely you have missed uploading tracking numbers.
All of this info is at your fingertips. Have you looked at your Seller Dashboard? You really should do that at least once a week.
01-27-2025 02:20 AM
It was the sales of 942.92...nothing else. This was the first time this has happened. I am not worried. I am not a big seller, just trying to clear out my house.
I guess I just have to basically, give things away on eBay - not make any money...just happy to get rid of stuff.
01-27-2025 10:59 AM
@wrightstuff4u09 wrote:It was the sales of 942.92...nothing else. This was the first time this has happened. I am not worried. I am not a big seller, just trying to clear out my house.
I guess I just have to basically, give things away on eBay - not make any money...just happy to get rid of stuff.
IDK why that is your takeaway. It certainly isn't the truth. Nor did Ebay say that. This appears to be about TRACKING. I'm unsure as to how you are turning that around to be about how much you sold the item for. That doesn't make any sense to me.
01-27-2025 11:04 AM
It makes sense if you look at the information in the original post:
01-27-2025 11:11 AM - edited 01-27-2025 11:13 AM
Simply sell $60 worth before the 20th of February.
Sell some cheap things quicky.
Or lot up some older things that sell better in a lot, just make $60 before next month.
01-27-2025 11:14 AM
@krazzykats wrote:Simply sell $60 worth before the 20th of February. ...
The evaluation period on the 20th of each month is based on the previous 12 full calendar months. The evaluation on February 20 will be based on transactions from February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2025. So those sales to make up the gap have to be before January 31.
Also, the sales from January 2024 will not be included, so new sales have to also compensate for the value of that month's transactions which will roll off.
01-27-2025 11:24 AM
If you don't make the 1k, I can say that going in and out of TRS has never affected my sales that I've ever been able to tell, and just the $$ threshold is no reflection on your good seller practices.