09-16-2022 05:39 AM
09-16-2022 05:50 AM
You can't get permission here. This is a community discussion forum for buyers and sellers. This is what you need to do to start selling:
Register your account with Payoneer. Make sure all the info on your accounts match perfectly
Register you account with your country and retain a business license. This is very important
Once you account has been approved, you will have to get approval from Ebay. This can take 2-4 weeks.
While you wait to be approved why not enroll in the seller school?:
This is a valuable and important tool that will teach you what you need to know to be a seller on ebay. I suggest that you should enroll after you have set your account with Payoneer. That way you'll have time to study while you wait to be approved.
Read all the rules and policies that Ebay posts, learn about what you can and CANNOT sell on Ebay, study hard and perhaps one day you will become a trusted seller. Good luck should you choose to enroll.
09-16-2022 05:59 AM
You must get a written trademark license agreement with eBay to use their logo as your profile picture. Do you have that?
You must have a way to receive payouts. This will be by linking a Payoneer account to eBay. After you sucessfully link to Payoneer it takes 2-4 weeks before you get approved. You can sell after eBay emails you that you're all set.
09-16-2022 06:09 AM
Register in Sri Lanka as a business
Get a Payoneer account.
Sign up for Managed Payments and attach your Payoneer account so you can be paid.
It'll take a few weeks to get everything approved.
While you're waiting, go here: