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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Have you ever wondered why you see the same television commercial over and over again, day after day? Have you ever wondered why the sponsor don't just show the commercial once every 30 days? That's because repetition works!

Yes, I've read all the arguments against the new GTC policy for fixed listings......the sense of urgency that the 3-5-7 day listings create.....and I completely agree with all of those comments. But, I think another, and even better reason for getting rid of this suicidal new policy of Ebay is that most experienced buyers do not search by "best match". After all, who is ebay to decide what is a good match for me, as I look for antiques and collectibles and ebay wouldn't have a clue what is the right match for me. So, I search by "newly listed". I can't tell you how many times I have seen an item on ebay, didn't buy it, but then it came up the next week, or the week following that and I decided to finally pull the trigger. With the new policy, that item wouldn't come up again for another 30 days! That's hardly an example of an efficient marketing approach. Now, in addition to my buying on ebay, I also sell. What this new policy means is that for all those people who search for particular types of antiques and collectibles using "newly listed", if I don't get that sale right away, then there is a good shot no one is going to look at my item again for almost four more weeks, as it lingers in the bowels of ebay. That makes absolutely no sense. Almost all experienced buyers of antiques and collectables use the "newly listed" option. I check the listing for what interests me three or four times a day. But, I never look down past the items that I already saw earlier that day when I last checked newly listed items. So, for a buyer like me.....and again, almost all buyers of antiques and collectibles search using "newly listed", I'm not going to see that item again for 30 days. There are been many times I did not buy something the first time I saw it on ebay, or even the second time, but then I rethought the item and jumped on it using the Buy it Now figure the third of fourth time. From a seller's perspective.....and that's the perspective from which I am writing this.....that's the kiss of death. The new reality is that with this new policy, if an item I list with a fixed price doesn't sell in the first day or two, it's going to sit there and rot on ebay for 28 more days until it finally comes to the top of the list. Ebay, what were you thinking? Do you have anyone on your staff that actually buys antiques and collectibles? Anyone in this field knows that we have to check the listings multiple times a day to get first crack at an item, but we don't have to look at anything older than a day or two, since we would have seen anything older already. So, this new policy is going to be a knife in the back for almost everyone who sells the way I do .......put the listing up to renew every Sunday night. Get the item in front of people's faces often. After all, that's the exact same approach that every major advertiser uses when running the same commercial continuously. This is so simple ebay. How could you have missed it?


The bottom line is that when sellers sell less, then ebay makes less money. This decision is not only going to cost sellers a fortune, but it's going to cost ebay millions, as well. The people who thought this up at ebay have absolutely no idea how "professional buyers" search ebay. They're under the impression that every buyer is a casual buyer who will look at every item in every search result every time. That is just not the case. Ebay, this is the worst decision you have ever made!

Message 1 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

I'm looking for another option where I have control. NO GTC.

Message 61 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Ebay makes more in listing fees. I don't sell enough to warrant the extra cost. Time to move on.

Message 62 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

You have to have your own website for controlling your own business. This is eBay's platform, not yours. I do understand the frustration, but you have to work through it or leave. Keep in mind:
Every platform has policies, every platform has fees, and many other platforms do not have the protections for sellers (if you think it's bad here, try elsewhere and you will find it's worse).
Message 63 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

@231mathilde wrote:

If your sold items are staying active, turn off the out of stock option and the listings will be removed once the sell.




Have a great day.
Message 64 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Before she quit, my mother had 3K listings a month and I helped her and my aunt all through high school with listing shipping etc.  Then I got my own account.  I list less now because I have a full time job. I paid for college tuition with what I made.

You don't factor in Walmart or Amazon or Alibaba or Etsy or any of the other sites or other sellers but YOU SHOULD.  Because they ARE affecting your sales and far more than GTC.  And I get that it is just easier to blame policies than the realities of the market. Maybe it will take a while for it to sink in that you might not be competitive and you need to adjust so you are.

Message 65 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Getting ready to end my gtc listings before they renew. Now sure why people that run eBay have to be so dumb. some items sell right be for the end but since the have to be cancelled before the end they might not sell. DUMMYS

Message 66 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Everyone's sales took a dive since the change because buyers are seeing something new and people do not like change. I'm hoping (not for my sake because I live by GTC) that ebay gathers it's senses from this and gives sellers back the choice on Fixed listing durations.
Message 67 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

NO!!! GTC is bad and ruining my sales. I used to list with 3 day listings which made my items appear on top in searches on the first and last day. I had very good results with this and out of a 3 day run with 20 avionics listed i would usually sell at least 1 or 2 items. From april 9th 2019 to april 16th 2018 ( so in a 7 day timespan ) ive had 8 sales using my 3 day system. Then came the easter holidays and i dident list anything again until april 23d 2019. Since i started listing again untill today may 7th 2019 ( so a 14 day timespan ) the GTC Policy came into effect and ive had only 2 sales. Ive also notived that i have a lot less views. So how is this good for business? Ebay does not care about the average seller. They are happy to make their money off advertising and big sellers with 10000+ listings selling cheap chinese junk. So now i will do as many others already have done. I will spread my items out over many other selling platforms and probably also make my own website. If that works out then i will close my eBay account and be free at last. I wish good luck to all the other sellers out there who are experiencing the same problems since ebays GTC came into effect.

Message 68 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Well with your sales being 24 items sold in 3 months for less than $200.00.. I hardly think you have a clue about my sales. You have no idea what effects my sales.. I DO, on the other hand. I don't think that all of a sudden within the last 45 days or so these places you mention have started having an effect on my sales after 15 years.. I watch the market. Walmart has NEVER effected my sales.

Message 69 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

@kensgiftshop wrote:

How many average buyers do you think search using newly listed, ending soon or best match?

I've been on Ebay since 2011 and search items for research almost everyday and not once have I used them and I'm sure there are thousands more that don't.

When you have sellers that relist the same item every 3 days, I see no since in going through thousands of the same items you just seen 3 days ago.

I used "Ending Soon" and "Newly Listed" all the time and I was a very frequent Buyer here at eBay.  I think many Buyers also use these filters (probably more than don't). 

Message 70 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!


For me - yes it is - turned me into a lots of spare time clean out the garage person


It took my desire to list completely away from me. Actually looking for a real job now.


Message 71 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

@dazzlecity wrote:

Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!


For me - yes it is - turned me into a lots of spare time clean out the garage person


It took my desire to list completely away from me. Actually looking for a real job now.


I think the eBay CEO position will be open soon.


The Board will have to react when future eBay earnings reports come out and show further negative sales growth.  Shareholders will also start inquiring about the forced GTC mandate and how it impacts the numbers.



Message 72 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

This is by far, the worst decision that ebay has done. I feel sorry for those people that have hundred of auctions to baby sit. I have been shutting the ads down a hour or two in most cases. Sometimes, I end them the day before if I know that I will be out the next day. So far, only 1 slipped by and I am not happy with ebay stealing my 35 cents. Yes, it was theft because I did NOT agree to this.
Those people that love GTC, how would you like it if someone came and took 35 cents out of your wallet without your permission? That is exactly what ebay is doing. I NEVER AGREED TO THIS. I have been doing fine here since 1998. (My first acct. I now have 3.) It's time to revoke this ludicrous policy .
Message 73 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Agreed,, Had I wanted to use the GTC it's been there for me to use for years,, I chose not to use it!!  Now it's being shoved down our neck like some of this other silly stuff..

Message 74 of 89
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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

The two large E sites are destroying themselves. They have quite a few things in common these days.   They are both going to mangled payments, they both are taking control over PP, they seem to have similar bad searches, shipping schemes etc. They seem to not be able to do ruin themselves, FAST enough. They share ceos even. My tinfoil hat is on today. Fishy fishy I say. I wonder if bubble head is behind it, for internet dominance and total control.

Message 75 of 89
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