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Foreign buyer with US address- Selling jewlery

Selling a diamond ring.  I had the listing as US shipping only.  The buyer has a US address (it appears to be a forwarding/parcel company), so I'm assuming that I mail it to this address and the addressee (company) will forward it to the buyer in the UK.


We have received the funds into our account- I guess I just have some trepidation over this sale.  The buyer has 402  ebay transactions in the year or so they have had an account with nothing negative showing.  Am I just being overly paranoid?  The selling price is $1050, so how/what would be the best way to protect ourselves?  I can just see the purchaser opening a claim saying either they didn't receive it or the item wasn't what it was described (it is), etc.





Message 1 of 36
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Foreign buyer with US address- Selling jewlery

I write a novel of explanation and you just repeat a useless baseless opinion again? Okie dokie. Goodluck out there.
Message 31 of 36
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Foreign buyer with US address- Selling jewlery

You should do just a touch of research before speaking assumptions as if factual. In my state ga under $100 is civil. The state my scammer was in has no civil amount. The absolutely criminal charge of bouncing a check in his state reads....30 days to 2 years jail time and $1000 +restitution of up to double the amount owed if warranted or + processing fees.

I will try one more time how video does prove your case. If you just refuse to understand or believe then goodluck my friend. My camera shows the item up close being packaged. The camera never leaves the item until the package is closed and the camera never leaves the package. Label is put on. Camera pans in to read label. Camera pans out as package is handed to po employee. Receipt is videoed. All of this is done underneath the post office security cam angle showing no slight of hand happened. A long time postal employee sees me doing this. If its electronic or has a serial number etc get that in video.

So if i sell a $3000 diamond necklace and do all of this and the buyer wants a return i will purchase a signature confirmation return label. I will refuse it at home so that it goes back to the post office. When a long time employee brings it out every bit of it is caught on 2 cameras again. If a rock or banana or obviously any non3k necklace then the videos and all transaction info is gathered. I present my problem to scammer. Offer to show them video. And ask very kindly if you would like me or them to open a case against the post office and get the feds involved? Because i can prove it wasnt me. That leaves you or the post office. And the post office is dead serious about internal theft. If you think its possible you might have sent a rock by mistake please return my item or close your case within 48 hours. I take fraud seriously with a 100% conviction rate. I would hate to get all the authorities involved for a simple mistake.

Lets be very clear here. I have had many 1000s of transactions across my IDs over 20 years. The number of truly theft attempts is very small. Most returns are premeditated rentals or buyers remorse returns. Not suited for any of the actions above. I use the above for big expensive items which i no longer sell here as its just easier and safer elsewhere. In the rate times someone attempted theft in the past. The video and the knowledge given to the buyer was enough to get my item back or they changed their mind and closed the case.

I have had to go to court only 3 times. 2 of them video evidence wasnt needed as the plea deals were to sweet not to admit guilt. The one where it was used was open shut. Sent 3lb package registered mail. Signed for everytime it changed hands. Scammer sent back 3 oz bubble mailer with nothing in it except his fingerprints all over the bubble wrap. Said my package was empty. He was already well known to local law enforcement.

Hope this helps. Goodluck either way.
Message 32 of 36
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Foreign buyer with US address- Selling jewlery

In your example of the diamond necklace I would be more worried that a buyer could take out a real diamond and replaces it with a fake....How could you ever prove that?

Message 33 of 36
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Foreign buyer with US address- Selling jewlery

Ooooooh, do you feel better  now?  

Message 34 of 36
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Foreign buyer with US address- Selling jewlery

@cashvaluerecovery2011 wrote:
You should do just a touch of research before speaking assumptions as if factual. In my state ga under $100 is civil. The state my scammer was in has no civil amount. The absolutely criminal charge of bouncing a check in his state reads....30 days to 2 years jail time and $1000 +restitution of up to double the amount owed if warranted or + processing fees.

So you are claiming that you got the police in another state to go into some guys workplace and arrest him for bouncing a $30 check? Which state was it? What did you do after that? Have him extradited? Deported? Shot? I could see them arresting someone for using a stolen checkbook of course - but not their own.


I have had to go to court only 3 times. 2 of them video evidence wasnt needed as the plea deals were to sweet not to admit guilt. The one where it was used was open shut. Sent 3lb package registered mail. Signed for everytime it changed hands. Scammer sent back 3 oz bubble mailer with nothing in it except his fingerprints all over the bubble wrap. Said my package was empty. He was already well known to local law enforcement.

Youre claiming now that you had the bubble mailer dusted for prints?

So after all that hand waving and story telling you only had 3 court cases - in only one of those you even showed the video - and that one was 'open shut' anyway so it sounds like no one challenged the video or what might have happened after you stopped filming. Thats hardly the bulletproof strategy youre claiming it to be. If that works for you then fine. It seems more useful as a bluff and you seem to be good at bluffing.

Message 35 of 36
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Foreign buyer with US address- Selling jewlery

So you are still going to whine that having video but not having to take it to court is a problem. I just want my item or money back and the thief nervous. Isnt that the whole point? Btw a bluff is having nothing and saying you do. I have it....but prefer not taking forever to get to court to be made whole. was actually 34 dollars and change. Yes they were more than happy to go arrest him with the entire case and messages proving it were wrapped up in a plastic bag and sent to them.

You accuse me of bluffing? Sounds to me like you have a serious problem with sellers protecting themselves. Why i wonder?

Message 36 of 36
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