02-13-2018 04:58 PM
My wife listed her first item on eBay under wall decor or something like that.
My, my, sellers in that category almost treated like the steerage passengers on the Titanic.
There are few font sizes and no text color choices in addition to a max of 3 days handling time and abrupt and limited other conditions of listing.
Plus without even a remote idea of item being offered eBay then suggest a give away price range. The cartoon meter evaluating descriptions was in the coach class of success as hers apparently tweaked up on volume of description words without regard of knowledge of actual content.
Talk about being classified as a World War II draftee, I can see where seller frustrations are provoked by eBay's rigid, unimaginative, sanitary, one size fits all listing template and format.
I can see where these cattle car category listing restrictions are conditioning sellers to be biased for failure unless they then at the last minute are prompted to buy the Deluxe Funeral Package by paying more a front row cemetery plot position against the several thousand others gulag bound sellers try to get a couple dollars ahead of the next lamb to be sheared.
Sadly her listing format was a real eye opener.
I'm so thankful to eBay as I have more latitude for creativity with my listings.
Good luck to all sellers.
02-13-2018 05:07 PM
Hello, @duggmills.
" a max of 3 days handling time " That is not true, you can have up to 30 days handling time.
" no text color choices " In the title that is true, but in the description you can change the color
And just ignore their pre-given prices. Those don't really matter...
eBay has many flaws, but those aren't them.
02-13-2018 05:09 PM - edited 02-13-2018 05:11 PM
Hello, @duggmills.
Are you listing on a phone? Then yes those are some major problems. Those aren't problems when listing on a computer though.
Hope this helps,
p.s. I notice with at least some of your items descriptions you have different colors of text...
02-13-2018 05:27 PM
Most of the issues you cited (handling time etc.) have nothing to do with the category she's listing in and I can't even figure out why you'd think they did. It's because new sellers are automatically set up with the Quick version of the listing form rather than the Advanced version.
02-14-2018 12:30 AM
Are you saying that your wife cannot access the Advanced Listing tool? To my knowledge, it is available to all sellers (even though a box will pop up to encourage you to stick with the Quick format--just disregard). On the Sell Your Item page, there should be a link in the top right-hand corner to switch to the Advanced. You will find all the choices there. As others have said, you need a computer in order to use it. The mobile app has its limitations when it comes to listing. I use the Advanced tool to set up most of the listing and switch to the app to upload my pictures from my phone.
02-14-2018 07:18 AM
Thanks to those who mentioned the Advanced Tool.
I guess in my haste I didn't see that. I do use it for my listings but I don't recall seeing it on the listing I did for her - under her screen name. At least I don't recall seeing it where I usually find it for my listings.
Further, I complained about what's apparently called the Quick Format which is what I "assumed" (yes, I know. My error) was there for those who list tons of stuff.
The Quick format was aggravating and limited as I stated. The last minute push to buy a more favorable position was border line salt in the wound to me.
I brooded, thinking of all the thousands of sellers who were limited by this Quick Tool.
I have to list more for her and I'll find the Advanced Tool - the one I use for my listings.
Thanks all. I may not have not seen the light without complaining.
02-14-2018 07:26 AM
I have been with feebay since 2001. I have never listed a listing through E bay lister or whatever it is called. I know a lot of folks do not want to increase their selling costs unless strictly necessary but I think the $15.00 a month I pay for InkFrog is so worth it.
Their customer Service is TOP notch. Few issues to begin with but when they do arrive they are usually sorted out within minutes through thier site. SO many listing options, templates if you want. Then when e bay makes all these crazy changes they will have a tool to make the changes with little issue.
Just a thought if you sell a lot to justify the $15.00