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Fees too High to Make Money - Need to Leave

I find I'm not really making any money at all at eBay anymore due to the high fees. The only option to try and fix this has been to hike my prices, way, way up, but then people don't buy my items. What are some other sites, besides eBay to sell at? eBay is no longer viable for me, as a seller, and I need to leave.

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Fees too High to Make Money - Need to Leave

Many small sellers are in the same predicament. If they raise their merchandise prices to account for the increased FVF's (Ebay calls them promoted listings, but they're the same thing) they are priced too high to sell.
If they don't agree to sell in the higher FVF "listings", you get to participate in Ebay's new seller category:
Demoted Listings
Where your auctions are buried so far down in the searches, they never see the light of day.
Know that you're not alone in this.
We have done very well selling our toys at Christmas time "flea markets" and on a certain site's marketplace. Just a couple of suggestions if you're "mobile" enough to accomplish it.
Good luck.

Message 31 of 36
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Fees too High to Make Money - Need to Leave

I have not had a sale on eBay since Apr. 22.  Only 4 sales in Apr. & got screwed on 1 of them.  eBay refunded the buyer then the buyer received his item.  Have I been reimbursed yet??  Nope!  Just to break even, I have to sell my item for 25% more than what I paid + the added % I might lose on eBay underserved FVF on shipping.  How much profit can I really make?   Since Wed, I have had 6 sales on FB - no fees!



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Fees too High to Make Money - Need to Leave



There are things that can most certainly be blamed on Ebay and those things that are certainly something the seller has to handle.  We all have to deal with what seems to be the never ending price increases from our vendors, especially the carriers we use.  When they raise their prices, we have to raise ours.  Buyers do get use to it.  I'm confident they don't like it any more than we do, but they also know we don't control the pricing of our carriers.


As for Ebay's pricing / fees, you are right, they aren't the cheapest on the internet, but they certainly aren't the most expensive either.


What each of us have to decide is it more important to find another site that costs less and likely we get less sales as it doesn't have the traffic.  Or we stay here.  Certainly a decision for each of us to make.


I personally sell on multiple sites and have for many years.  I don't put my eggs all in one basket and it works out well for me.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 33 of 36
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Fees too High to Make Money - Need to Leave

@maxine*j wrote:

@johnrj1226 wrote:

Thanks am more enlighten now than I was yesterday and I've  been to 3 county fair and a goat roping contest in my almost 8 decades on this planet and never heard of that.  To each their but wiredos stay away from me.



I looked at the listings and decided that no adult with incontinence would wear something with those designs, so I Googled ABDL and...  well...   This was new to me, too, so evidently I have led a sheltered life.  😄 



Well, it's only kinky the first time.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 34 of 36
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Fees too High to Make Money - Need to Leave

I have found that it isn't worth my time to sell items in the less than $20 range—unless one is doing a volume business.

Message 35 of 36
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Fees too High to Make Money - Need to Leave

Ebay sucks lose money on every sale. They need to go out of business. Their time has come and gone!

Message 36 of 36
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