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Feedback enhancements now visible



Over the past few months, we’ve been working to improve the feedback experience for buyers on eBay. We are making these changes in order to give potential buyers better insight into your products. 


  1. We recently updated the default sort to highlight the most relevant feedback for your potential buyers.

  2. We have also started rolling out images on feedback to select sellers who have listings with multiple quantities. 


Starting this month, sellers will be able to preview feedback images on their own sold items. At this time, other eBay buyers and sellers will not be able to view images in your feedback. Existing policies related to feedback and feedback removal will also apply to images. Once this rollout is complete, we’ll be expanding image feedback visibility to buyers.


With these updates, your potential buyers will see your most engaged buyers’ feedback and be more confident about their purchasing decisions. Richer text and images in feedback may add credibility and drive sales by instilling additional confidence for interested buyers as they shop. To date, we've already collected almost a million images and the vast majority are associated with positive feedback and showcase the great products and positive experiences buyers have with our eBay sellers.


These updates will serve to add credibility to reviews and increase buyer confidence, while also elevating your feedback scores and helping to drive conversion.


As always, thank you for selling on eBay.


The eBay Team

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Feedback enhancements now visible

@backroombargains2016 wrote:

Is there going to be any updating regarding the buyers having to leave feedback?  I have been selling off and on for 5 years and my feedback score is low because hardly any of the buyers leave feedback, although sellers have to leave feedback for the buyers.  It is very discouraging to the seller the Sell, Package and Ship the merchandise and get nothing for feedback, whether good or bad feedback.  There should be something about how a buyer can't buy again until they leave feedback for the previous buy. Or at least, Something.

@backroombargains2016  - we do not require buyers or sellers to leave Feedback. Though for sellers it's a best practice to automate leaving feedback either once the buyer has paid. 


To show buyers a sellers activity we recently increased the display of the "items sold" count on the seller's profile. Click on your username or the view listings link and you will see the Sold Items count. Feedback has always been optional, but encouraged. 


Thanks for selling on eBay

Join us at eBay Open this September!
Message 91 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

@seller_news_team : Hi again. I'm following up on a couple of questions that are still outstanding: 


@seller_news_team wrote:

5. Will I be able to save my preference for sorting?

    • Currently you will not be able to save your preference for a particular sort, but you will have the option to change the sort on your feedback profile page on any platform

I'm curious as to why you can't save a sort preference. Aren't you just using cookies to save preferences? 


This has been a similar headache in the Search field as well. In the desktop view, your choice of Sort By preference for your search results (e.g. Newly Listed) will carry forward and apply to future Search results as well, unless or until you choose a different sort, which is fine. But in the Mobile app, it keeps reverting to "Best Match" every time, regardless of what sort preference you chose last time. There's no way to lock it in.


Is it not possible to consistently save the user preferences for operations where the user has a choice that he might want to carry forward, such as how he wants to view Feedback results?


Also, regarding the new functionality of adding photos to Feedback comments: 


Some details of an individual Feedback comment drop off after a month, six months, or a year, such as a link to the listing, or the title identifying what the item was. Will photos also drop off after some predetermined period of time?

Message 92 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

This new feedback system does not work with feedback revisions, i.e. if feedback is revised (or removed) even if it’s done by the eBay team, the new feedback system will continue to show the old feedback.   

Message 93 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

@reefchief wrote:

This new feedback system does not work with feedback revisions, i.e. if feedback is revised (or removed) even if it’s done by the eBay team, the new feedback system will continue to show the old feedback.   

Thats just bizarre. The Internet never forgets. 😠

Message 94 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

@a_c_green wrote:

@seller_news_team : Hi again. I'm following up on a couple of questions that are still outstanding: 


@seller_news_team wrote:

5. Will I be able to save my preference for sorting?

    • Currently you will not be able to save your preference for a particular sort, but you will have the option to change the sort on your feedback profile page on any platform

I'm curious as to why you can't save a sort preference. Aren't you just using cookies to save preferences? 


This has been a similar headache in the Search field as well. In the desktop view, your choice of Sort By preference for your search results (e.g. Newly Listed) will carry forward and apply to future Search results as well, unless or until you choose a different sort, which is fine. But in the Mobile app, it keeps reverting to "Best Match" every time, regardless of what sort preference you chose last time. There's no way to lock it in.


Is it not possible to consistently save the user preferences for operations where the user has a choice that he might want to carry forward, such as how he wants to view Feedback results?


Also, regarding the new functionality of adding photos to Feedback comments: 


Some details of an individual Feedback comment drop off after a month, six months, or a year, such as a link to the listing, or the title identifying what the item was. Will photos also drop off after some predetermined period of time?

...and another question, now that I have seen photos beginning to appear in my own feedback: when viewing a buyer's feedback left for others, will we also be able to view that buyer's photos left for others? At the present time, the answer seems to be No, based on my going to the feedback page of the buyer who left a photo with my feedback, although I know this is an incremental rollout, so it's not clear yet what the final intent may be.


@seller_news_team : It's been a solid week with zero response. This is a topic that may have a significant impact on sellers. Can you not designate even one person to come back and answer specific questions?


brian_burke@ebay : Might you be able to light a fire under someone to get back here and participate?

Message 95 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

@a_c_green wrote:

@a_c_green wrote:

@seller_news_team : Hi again. I'm following up on a couple of questions that are still outstanding: 


@seller_news_team wrote:

5. Will I be able to save my preference for sorting?

    • Currently you will not be able to save your preference for a particular sort, but you will have the option to change the sort on your feedback profile page on any platform

I'm curious as to why you can't save a sort preference. Aren't you just using cookies to save preferences? 


This has been a similar headache in the Search field as well. In the desktop view, your choice of Sort By preference for your search results (e.g. Newly Listed) will carry forward and apply to future Search results as well, unless or until you choose a different sort, which is fine. But in the Mobile app, it keeps reverting to "Best Match" every time, regardless of what sort preference you chose last time. There's no way to lock it in.


Is it not possible to consistently save the user preferences for operations where the user has a choice that he might want to carry forward, such as how he wants to view Feedback results?


Also, regarding the new functionality of adding photos to Feedback comments: 


Some details of an individual Feedback comment drop off after a month, six months, or a year, such as a link to the listing, or the title identifying what the item was. Will photos also drop off after some predetermined period of time?

...and another question, now that I have seen photos beginning to appear in my own feedback: when viewing a buyer's feedback left for others, will we also be able to view that buyer's photos left for others? At the present time, the answer seems to be No, based on my going to the feedback page of the buyer who left a photo with my feedback, although I know this is an incremental rollout, so it's not clear yet what the final intent may be.


@seller_news_team : It's been a solid week with zero response. This is a topic that may have a significant impact on sellers. Can you not designate even one person to come back and answer specific questions?


brian_burke@ebay : Might you be able to light a fire under someone to get back here and participate?

@a_c_green  I see tomorrow's monthly chat is going to be an open Q&A - might be a good place to ask some of these questions as well.

Message 96 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

@valueaddedresource wrote:
@a_c_green  I see tomorrow's monthly chat is going to be an open Q&A - might be a good place to ask some of these questions as well.

Yes indeed, although we shouldn't have to burn up the hour asking questions that could be better resolved here under the original topic that they started. Future readers of this thread would be better served with seeing the answers here, rather than somehow finding them elsewhere in a monthly discussion that is locked just 60 minutes after it starts.


I think I'd be more interested in a meta discussion, really: Why is there such reluctance (or prohibition, even) on letting managers or developers interact with users here to get more productive results, in terms of actual process improvement, bug fixes, enhancements and so on?

Message 97 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

@a_c_green wrote:

@valueaddedresource wrote:
@a_c_green  I see tomorrow's monthly chat is going to be an open Q&A - might be a good place to ask some of these questions as well.

Yes indeed, although we shouldn't have to burn up the hour asking questions that could be better resolved here under the original topic that they started. Future readers of this thread would be better served with seeing the answers here, rather than somehow finding them elsewhere in a monthly discussion that is locked just 60 minutes after it starts.


I think I'd be more interested in a meta discussion, really: Why is there such reluctance (or prohibition, even) on letting managers or developers interact with users here to get more productive results, in terms of actual process improvement, bug fixes, enhancements and so on?

@a_c_green  I am 10000% on board with that meta discussion. And I'm sure that question/feedback will be passed on to the appropriate team.....😞

Message 98 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

@valueaddedresource wrote:

@a_c_green wrote:
I think I'd be more interested in a meta discussion, really: Why is there such reluctance (or prohibition, even) on letting managers or developers interact with users here to get more productive results, in terms of actual process improvement, bug fixes, enhancements and so on?

@a_c_green  I am 10000% on board with that meta discussion. And I'm sure that question/feedback will be passed on to the appropriate team.....😞

I was thinking of adding your last sentence to my reply, but I think we all mentally added it already. 😁

Message 99 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

In case you missed it (which is likely because once again they just did it as a regular post under Selling instead of as an announcement 😞 ) - images in feedback are now publicly visible to others buyers and sellers.


I'm currently only seeing it in the app though, not on desktop - screenshots here:

Message 100 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

@valueaddedresource wrote:

In case you missed it (which is likely because once again they just did it as a regular post under Selling instead of as an announcement 😞 ) - images in feedback are now publicly visible to others buyers and sellers.


I'm currently only seeing it in the app though, not on desktop - screenshots here:

@a_c_green  @wastingtime101  @ittybitnot  - I know you were all following this, just wanted to make sure you didn't miss the update.

Message 101 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

I dont get it . I post a feedback for my buyer and go to see that it posted correctly and I find that I am less relevant that 6 or 8 other feedbacks of other sellers  that were posted over 6 months ago or a more than a year ago.   That is very weird. It is even more weird that the drop down tab to SELECT what you want to see is set on Most relevant automatically and to see the latest you have drop it down and select latest. 

   I don't understand the reason behind this. Also, This just now started happening to me  and I see a lot of these posts are from quite awhile back.  this week is when I have seen it happening so it;s not straight across. how are they determining whose accounts they do this to initially?  Jan 30 2024

Message 102 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

Why was the dashboard removed that showed if you have received feedback, shipped your item, etc, etc?


When, as a buyer, I saw that a seller had left me feedback (due to the little envelope icon being highlighted), I would then leave them feedback.  Without that feature, I would have to look through my feedback, see if feedback was left, then go back to purchase history and find the item and leave feedback for the seller. 


No way I'm spending my time doing that.


It's gone back to the old style purchase history page.

What could possibly have been a good reason to remove that ?



Message 103 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

"Rate this item".  Really?  I can't submit my feedback if I don't want to rate the item?  That's bull**bleep**.  Why is eBay becoming such a data gatherer?  You selling all the member data to make up for decreasing traffic?  You guys just make it harder and harder to be a member.  Etsy, Poshmark, Mercari and Facebook Marketplace are looking better and better.  All your extra "Star" categories should ONLY be optional or people are just going to forgo all feedback due to the hassle.

Message 104 of 106
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Feedback enhancements now visible

Ebay has 'deemed' my 10 mos. old negative feedback as most 'relevant' to all my 2200+ listings and now highlights it on the bottom each each and every listing, despite being a seller since 1998, 98.8% positive feedback of 8897 total, 19K items sold.



Message 105 of 106
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