06-16-2023 04:42 PM
Out of the millions & millions of ebay sellers does anyone have any idea the percent of sellers who read and post to the eBay Community Message Board? Probably a very very small percent. The ones who make a profit and are happy with eBay performance will not normally complain or post to this Community Board. I like reading the postings every day and have learned a lot from the comments by the most experienced sellers. However, the negative comments whether justified or not can be overwhelming. I stay optimistic about eBay knowing that the vast majority of user including myself are still optimistic about Ebay's future. Please let me know what you think. Thanks
06-16-2023 04:45 PM
My unscientific guess would be a fraction of a percent.
06-16-2023 04:52 PM
06-16-2023 04:58 PM
They haven't done a lot to even advertise the existence of the "community" the last decade or so. Not since they took the link off the top task bar on the home page because it was taking up "valuable real estate" (that they never replaced with anything else anyway so that was a load of bovine.
06-16-2023 04:58 PM
I think that now you have come to this (accurate) conclusion, if you haven't already learned how to ignore the "noise" and extract only the valuable information.
I'm not particularly "optimistic about eBay's future" but I also believe that eBay will continue to be a viable venue for a very long time for SOME sellers, still about B$70 worth of stuff sold here each year one just needs to carve out a tiny share of that to be doing well.
06-16-2023 05:22 PM
Not sure if you are asking about the Board, or about ebay's future.
I'll address ebay's future. I basically agree with slippinjimmy. I think ebay will continue , and I think it will continue to be viable for many sellers. Whether I will be one of those sellers is dependent on a range of factors. For now, however, I am here, and I have no intention of departing. Going multi-channel, however, which is what many other online sellers have done....that is likely.
06-16-2023 05:36 PM
@buddyboyusa wrote:Out of the millions & millions of ebay sellers does anyone have any idea the percent of sellers who read and post to the eBay Community Message Board? Probably a very very small percent. The ones who make a profit and are happy with eBay performance will not normally complain or post to this Community Board. I like reading the postings every day and have learned a lot from the comments by the most experienced sellers. However, the negative comments whether justified or not can be overwhelming. I stay optimistic about eBay knowing that the vast majority of user including myself are still optimistic about Ebay's future. Please let me know what you think. Thanks
I take exception to that. I start only a few original threads. But if someone asks a legitimate question that I can answer I do so. And I have seen many others do the same.
BUT if someone posts illogical or rant filled non-sequiturs I just can't contain myself. (and apparently neither can others). An occasional sharply worded linguistic suggestion that they pull their head out of whatever dark hole they have it shoved up. The MODS don't like it and I have suffered a dew suspensions. But it is just so much fun to tease the children.
The fact that you then go on to say that you "have learned a lot from the comments by the most experienced sellers." keeps me, and no doubt others, coming back.
06-16-2023 05:53 PM
Good question. It must be infinitesimal. I am unaware of any data that counts the actual numbers. But we could compare the number of published US eBay users to an estimate of how many post here.
That wouldn't include the vast numbers of users who come to the the forums but don’t post. In the past, there used to be published numbers of “lurkers” who passively used the site— reading but not posting. One could see what posts had the most readership. I don’t see those statistics anymore.
I agree the negative comments can at times dishearten. Such naysayers can dominate the conversation, seemingly unable to admit eBay apparently does work for millions of sellers who continue to find it useful to sell here. To admit eBay has value is to risk the ire of those in bitter disagreement. But I learned long ago that posting isn’t for the faint-hearted.
06-16-2023 06:05 PM
I'm extremely happy with my Ebay store; but, I still like to come here and read the daily Ebay tabloids, and state my honest opinions. Its healthy to have a dose of both sides of the coin. I remain optimistic about Ebay and my store because to me, there is no other way. If I felt any different, there's no way I could motivate myself to grind.
Besides, I've learned so much from the sellers on these boards, whether or not I agree with their opinons.
Regarding Ebay as a platform, well, they're still the biggest show in town for what I sell.
@buddyboyusa wrote:Out of the millions & millions of ebay sellers does anyone have any idea the percent of sellers who read and post to the eBay Community Message Board? Probably a very very small percent. The ones who make a profit and are happy with eBay performance will not normally complain or post to this Community Board. I like reading the postings every day and have learned a lot from the comments by the most experienced sellers. However, the negative comments whether justified or not can be overwhelming. I stay optimistic about eBay knowing that the vast majority of user including myself are still optimistic about Ebay's future. Please let me know what you think. Thanks
06-16-2023 06:08 PM
of course, why would I come here and say "I sold an item for $200 and just received positive feedback for the transaction"?
No reason to do so.
06-16-2023 06:09 PM
Some of us who are happy with our sales actually DO post here, actually. I do to help out a bit and tell corny jokes.
However, the constant repetition of the same rant/opinion/problem over and over again obviously without even the slightest attempt to search the forum for topics on their subject gets tiresome.
06-16-2023 06:22 PM
If they get a new ceo not with a walmart way of thinking, they may be able to reverse course.
06-16-2023 06:23 PM
"I agree the negative comments can at times dishearten. Such naysayers can dominate the conversation, seemingly unable to admit eBay apparently does work for millions of sellers who continue to find it useful to sell here. To admit eBay has value is to risk the ire of those in bitter disagreement. But I learned long ago that posting isn’t for the faint-hearted."
EBay has its drawbacks but is not as hard to navigate as some posters make it out to be.
Some folks just like to complain and if they don't have someone available, they just come here because they can get away with stuff here their friends and spouses don't want to hear.
A lot of the regular sellers here know their way around eBay and can dodge the bullets. We get posters that walk around with targets on their backs just begging to lose money in online sales and blame it on eBay.
It is just so much easier to come here for solid answers but members have to patient and be willing to listen.
06-16-2023 06:31 PM
I'm quitting
06-16-2023 06:36 PM