It would be a great feature if Ebay could provide export options when creating listings, for instance, if there was a section for selecting an HTS code. Using the latest HTS database, Ebay could utilize a simple AI to search for reasonable options to verify and select. The international buyer would also be able to get real time customs fees estimations based off of the linked HTS number and their location. Right now, the buyer is totally in the dark as to what the final fees will be. We should not have to expect that the buyer can study and scan through HTS database to guess what the seller might use for an HTS code. A change of 2 digits can mean 5% fee to 75% or more for example.
Right now, International buyers are offering much less than what they would due to the uncertainty of customs fees. The HTS, although a bloated overly complicated product-wise outdated and actually ill managed and executed penalizing tax on citizenry system, it does serve as a universal reference for most product classifications.
Since Ebay has a pretty decent service for International Shipping, helping the seller easily navigate exporting requirements could benefit sale, save customers money and uncertainty and increase international deliveries. Plus it could reduce number of customs confiscated items since buyer would know that a particular item is banned. For instance, some parts for certain musical instruments are banned in Italy. Importing playing cards and some coins are banned in some countries.