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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.

It seems like only to those who lives in the US buyer and Sellers apply at the moment ….

authentication that items $500 and over…takes weeks to process …thousands items had to go through authentication process everyday with limited eBay’s so called experts…it will cause much more delay and headaches down in the road if you ask of me…


I am not buying anything that take weeks to get it in the USA region. 
Think of buying an expensive gift and never know when you will get it? 

and people opening item and touching it and all or even misplaced …

I read some forums online talking about this and some people say, they bought a solid 14k gold chain on ebay and went through authentication that took three weeks and passed as solid gold and came with paper saying authenticated and said solid gold….buyer took to 3 different jeweler and tested the gold to be sure if authentication through ebay is correct…well, 3 different jeweler tested and all came out heavily gold plated…see gold pieces, they have to scratch part of gold to tested and if it is heavily plated, it will still test as gold …you have to scratch pretty deep to find out and than, you are left with badly scratched up gold piece…


and another buyer and seller said, they bought and sold real diamond rings and when it shipped to buyer after authentication, stone were missing and other was stone was switched….

can it be happened? I think so.

you can trust no one not even experts ….crooks are everywhere and any place and any time…post office, our government, law enforcement, lawyers, car dealers, and your work place, online, even social media, dating sites, even your own family ….


most buyers are not stupid and if it is a jewelry pieces, usually they take them to jeweler to check it out after the purchase if not satisfied, they return if anything wrong with any of the items they buy.


some people may not survive weeks of waiting on items they bought…meaning life is unpredictable and so many dies unexpectedly at any day…


Life can be hard or simple by choosing how you accept, speak, live and everything in life has a choices, consequences and have gratitude or attitude…no matter how you live and what you do and say, how much money you have, how you treat others…how smart you think you are, in the end, God decide your final fate.

so be true, be good, be positive, humble, content and never look down on others and help those in need and never put your trust in human nor your own self because humans and your own self can change at any time and say, do something you can never take it back and trust in God and fear God…who controls your body and soul and who has your life in his hand and he who knows, watches your every move, thoughts, actions and he who know even how many strands of hair on your head and be judged accordingly…


yes, I make mistakes, yes I m a sinner that is why I need Jesus in my life and need his forgiveness and forgiven and I do not idolize humans or trust in humans or my own self but him! 

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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.

Your point???

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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.

I think the point is that so called "authenticity guarantees" are worth nothing and can't be trusted? Especially with jewellery.


But I could be wrong.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.

I have been a basically fine antique jewelry seller on eBay for 25 years.

It used to be a buyer would check out the feedback of a seller.

I have made countless eBay women buyers very happy with selling them my fabulous Diamond Rings 💍 and other quality jewelry with diamonds and precious stones.

Now I will not sell here any of my quality fine jewelry over $500. Because I don’t trust the authentication process.  Too many questions about this demand to send out of my hand to an anonymous other hand…no no no I am not going to do it.

 I always told a potential buyer to read my 25 years of feedback and decide whether or not to trust me and then buy my items.

Message 4 of 12
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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.

I wonder what religion and trust in God have to do with the authentication process. 



ETA: Methinks someone is promoting their own items.

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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.



I have never had a problem. Two Roberto coin bracelets, and one Prada handbag. Was very smooth 

Message 6 of 12
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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.



it is kind of a trendy thing. So many people forget there are many other religions and beliefs.  Annoying 


Message 7 of 12
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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.

@albertabrightalberta wrote:

I wonder what religion and trust in God have to do with the authentication process. 

ETA: Methinks someone is promoting their own items.

"ETA: Methinks someone is promoting their own items."

I'm sorry what does "ETA" even mean here? - Surely not "estimated time of arrival" like it has ALWAYS meant up until short time back when I started seeing it in other context @albertabrightalberta

Message 8 of 12
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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.

@isaiah53-57 wrote:

@albertabrightalberta wrote:

I wonder what religion and trust in God have to do with the authentication process. 

ETA: Methinks someone is promoting their own items.

"ETA: Methinks someone is promoting their own items."

I'm sorry what does "ETA" even mean here? - Surely not "estimated time of arrival" like it has ALWAYS meant up until short time back when I started seeing it in other context @albertabrightalberta

ETA: Edited to add -- I revised my post and edited to add my suspicion as to why the OP came here to post.

Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 9 of 12
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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.

@myfrugalboutique wrote:

Your point???

The preaching at the end.

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

Check your voting registration!

Message 10 of 12
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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.

eBay's authenticity department now tests your gold items electronically and has determined plenty of expensive jewelry is not "plumb". That mean it may be 13.5K and reports this to buyers that it was not described properly and will kill your sale when reported to the buyer.... 

 The U S National Gold and Silver Stamping Act of 1906 allowed a one-half karat negative tolerance for the gold alloy of jewelry items. Thus, 13½ karat gold could legally be marked 14K. Most jewelry manufacturers took advantage of this negative tolerance and produced 14K gold that was only 13½K.

Around 1980 the law was modified from ½k (or 21/1000) negative tolerance to 3/1000 negative tolerance to be in step with international tolerance standards. U S jewelry makers started adding a ‘P’ after the 14K mark to show that the gold was plumb meaning actual or true 14K and not 13½K.

There is plenty of fine jewelry on the market that you might have and eBay will get your sale canceled…

Message 11 of 12
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Ebay new authentication process seems nightmare to me…if asking.

Hi everyone,


Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.


Thank you for understanding. 

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