05-19-2021 10:00 AM
I’ve got a new line of product that I am trying to list. It is a new line of urns for cremated remains. Long story how I came across this.
Two problems I am running into already. The category they need to be in is
everything else>funeral & cemetery> cremation urns
This category does not accept variations. Therefore, one item that comes in multiple colors, sizes or shapes would have to be listed individual to be in this category.
Second, anything in the “everything else” category can not be promoted. So of course my listings get buried… no pun intended.
Some I have listed in that category, others I have listed in Decorative vases. There I can promote and use variations but it is in the wrong category for the search.
Any help??
05-19-2021 11:33 AM
Hi folks, still looking for some help on this one.
05-19-2021 12:45 PM
Interesting items, but you do know this maybe an afterthought purchase from someone. I would suggest placing a couple of the Harley ones into Harley Davidson accessories category and see how that goes. If dad was a rider and he's still in the original box, son may want to get him a really cool looking urn!
Hey best of luck on this!
05-19-2021 12:50 PM
One other thing I might mention. Most funeral homes will transfer remains into a decorative urn for free so you might want to mention a small disclosure about this in your descriptions and ease some folks minds about it.
05-19-2021 12:59 PM
No, they transfer them into a bag inside a box. I paid another $ 120 for an urn for my dad and I"m still seaching fro one for my mom. Even now, I don't think she would appreciate the pink and purple
monstrosities being sold on eBay.
Good, Keep at it anyway. I wonder is there is another way to get a better catagory.
05-19-2021 01:02 PM
No way to fit that under Home Decor?
05-19-2021 01:55 PM
Some I have listed in that category, others I have listed in Decorative vases.
Can you list them in 2 categories? I realize it costs to do that, but these are a higher dollar item.
I actually know someone who would love the HD one.......On the colored motorcycle gas tank ones - can you offer decals for different motorcycle brands or too tacky? Can they be something someone can purchase and have engraved at all?
Interesting take on this type of product. I could see these being popular with riders.
05-19-2021 03:04 PM
I guess I wasn't that clear on the transfer thing. When you pickup remains at the funeral home ( unless you purchased their fancy urns) the remains are in enclosed in a bag into a box. I was suggesting that later on when you find a urn or ginger jar or in Ops case his H.D. gas tank urns, most cases the funeral home will transfer your loved one into this permanent urn and they will seal it for you free of charge.
05-19-2021 04:21 PM
My connection to this is a funeral home, and no they do not do anything for free. You get mailed to your closest relative in a box for a fee.
05-19-2021 04:26 PM
That's what I'm doing now. Home decor, vases. But that is the wrong category ..
05-19-2021 04:31 PM
I have some that can be engraved. I haven't listed them yet. As for tacky, I think if dad was a Harley rider it is cool. I have fishing, baseball, football. Seriously, a whole line of cool dad stuff.
When I list in two categories. It sends me a warning that I can't list this with variations. That is the big issue right now.
05-19-2021 04:47 PM
Nothing is free of charge, if you don't pick something your loved one shows up in the mail in a box. This is what I'm all about, putting them in a memorial that reflects their life. I have so much more to list like this. It isn't just about motor cycles. There is so much more, I will say it is geared more towards men and sports.
05-19-2021 04:49 PM
If you have enough free listings left I would continue to list in the correct category and list individually.
A PIA but the items will sell themselves, the ones I saw are brilliant
05-19-2021 05:43 PM
That is a bummer on the 2 categories.
The raised metal 3-d type emblems for specific rides can be really nice - riders put them on their bikes.
Engraving would definitely rocket these for you. No motorcycle - parts-accessories-other category?
05-19-2021 05:53 PM
Almost every Harley category does not accept variations. I can do so much more, but the category thing is really putting a hardship on this.