09-21-2022 07:02 PM
It has been 11 days now. I have been desperately trying to reach someone at ebay with common sense that can see this a gross mistake and reinstate my listing. I have made over 70 phone calls to ebay customer service, 32 alone on monday, and I have reached out to ebay for business on facebook. Both have given the exact same word for word reply. The same reply as the email originally sent to me by ebay. As soon as I say "recall item" they immediately read off the original email sent to me, and then hang up.
I have had no luck reaching anyone with critical thinking skills and the ability to make a rational decision. Look at the 2 pictures I have posted. The first one is the recalled item. Which was only recalled in Norway, no where else. This item has NOT been available from the manufacturer for about 18 months. The second picture is MY listing, an item I have been selling for 3 years now. For the record, I have never purchased or sold the recalled item in question.
The recalled item has SIX pieces.
My item has FOUR pieces.
The recalled item is about 3.25" tall
My item is 4" tall
The recalled item has a manufacturer number of D3316
My item has a manufacturer number of D3387
The recalled item has a UPC 86131403941
My item has a UPC 86131465567
As anyone with a brain can blatantly see, The quantity of pieces do not match, the size does not match, the manufacturer number does not match and the UPC does not match. My listing is NOT the recalled item.
How can I get this information in front of someone at ebay that can see this is a gross error and reinstate my listing? Calling customer service and messaging ebay for business are NO help, as I have already stated. So please do not recommend them. I wish there was a way to get someone from ebay on here to see this post!
I appreciate any help and advice!
09-21-2022 07:32 PM
As anyone with a brain can blatantly see, The quantity of pieces do not match, the size does not match, the manufacturer number does not match and the UPC does not match. My listing is NOT the recalled item.
You are most likely dealing with an eBay "bot" (computer program snippet) that has flagged your item. I believe the eBay bots take priority over human eBay support.
If eBay has warned you not to list an item, the best course of action is not to list the item on eBay again. If eBay finds multiple violations, you may be permanently banned from selling on eBay. With permanent bans, eBay will cease further communication.
eBay does not have a procedure for eBay being wrong.
Your only hope would be contacting eBay on Facebook (if you do, let me know how it goes)
09-21-2022 07:40 PM
It took 70 calls to Customer Service to figure out they worthless? Why?
09-21-2022 07:40 PM
70 phone calls? That sounds like harassment.
And the same answer would be you can't relist it. When the listing is removed that's it. Even if they're wrong and won't listen to reason you can't sell it here if the listing was removed.
09-21-2022 07:42 PM
Even if someone with a brain says it's OK to relist, I wouldn't. Bots, not having brains of any sort, won't know it's OK to relist and pull it down again. This time with consequences. I'd just donate the ornament elsewhere and fuggadaboutit.
09-21-2022 07:42 PM
Otherwise, you'll receive a lifetime ban.
09-21-2022 07:42 PM
On the other hand, if this was not a personal warning message received after posting your item, eBay also displays warnings when you list an item. If this is a warning message displayed when listing your item and you are allowed to ignore the message and list the item, then it is most likely ok to list (if you are sure the warning doesn't apply)
For example, when I list a decanter eBay warns me, I am not allowed to list alcohol. I am not listing alcohol, so I ignore the warning. I believe I have also seen product recall messages that did not apply that I just ignored and was allowed to list.
09-21-2022 07:45 PM
As anyone with a brain can blatantly see
From the eBay user agreement you acknowledged:
"We reserve the right to refuse, modify, or terminate all or part of our Services to anyone for any reason at our discretion."
09-21-2022 09:01 PM
@mybigsale wrote:On the other hand, if this was not a personal warning message received after posting your item, eBay also displays warnings when you list an item. If this is a warning message displayed when listing your item and you are allowed to ignore the message and list the item, then it is most likely ok to list (if you are sure the warning doesn't apply)
For example, when I list a decanter eBay warns me, I am not allowed to list alcohol. I am not listing alcohol, so I ignore the warning. I believe I have also seen product recall messages that did not apply that I just ignored and was allowed to list.
Ditto that. I routinely list souvenir license plates (sports, military units, novelty, etc). I ALWAYS get a warning that there are rules concerning listing license plates (But they mean actual state issued license plates) so I ignore it and have never had a problem.
09-21-2022 09:16 PM
"I have made over 70 phone calls to ebay customer service, 32 alone on monday"
It sounds to me that you have abandoned your own critical thinking skills.
Instead of wasting your valuable time hitting your head against a brick wall, it would be wiser to find an alternate venue to sell these items if you are stuck with a large quantity.
09-21-2022 09:24 PM
Is there more to this story? Did the manufacturer files trademark claim against you and you relisted it? Do they not want you re-selling their items? Yes some companies think 2nd hand markets hurt the integrity of their products so they limit their sales. I mean, why was it recalled? Kids thought it was a cookie and died of lead poisoning? There's got to be more to this story. It can't just be a mistake. do you have competition selling the same stuff?
09-22-2022 06:14 PM
I was able to finally talk to someone in US today and my listing was restored. Thanks for the comments.
09-22-2022 07:12 PM
@jurassicjenn wrote:I was able to finally talk to someone in US today and my listing was restored. Thanks for the comments.
Glad you were able thru tenacity and sheer will to get it resolved.
Unfortunately, sometimes that it what it takes to get someone to actually "listen, engage, resolve" the issue.
Unfortunately, even though the listing was "restored" the "strike" for the removal of an item, often remains. I would save ALL emails, including the transcript from the call today that allowed for the restoration.
Good luck.