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Ebay charging sellers fee's on taxes collected when is enough?

I sold an item for $88.00 plus 10.65 shipping.

Ebay charged me Ebay fees on the $88.00, on the $10.65, plus they charged me fees on the sales tax the buyer paid of 6.16 plus there .30 cents. Total fees of $13.45


My question to all sellers, if your not aware of this scam by Ebay, look at the fee's they are taking.

Its bad enough we as sellers are paying actual shipping and Ebay takes there fees from shipping but now they are basically doing double taxation. Taxing the buyer sales tax and charging the seller for the sales tax by additional fees.

I hope some lawyer out there sees this. It seems very shady and greedy. Double taxation.

Message 1 of 69
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Ebay charging sellers fee's on taxes collected when is enough?

@windyman55 wrote:

"And charging processing fees on tax is not double taxation. Charging tax on tax, now that's double."

It matters not what we call it. It comes out of the mouths of my Children. And it's wrong. And it's NOT the buyers this is going to. It's going in the SHARE HOLDERS pockets. It's just amazing how left wing moans and complains about big business and the top 1 % when eBay is one of the biggest WORLD WIDE companies on the planet. And are the biggest abusers of screwing the little man. 

And "Final value fees" were the only thing we were charges besides  $0.20 listing fee. NOW  ... we have final values fees On literally everything. And. This is not my first rodeo. I've been Around the block here at eBay for 20+ years now. And I'm wait for the TOLL BOOTHS to go up my next walk around.   

Are you suggesting some sort of government regulations capping the amount ebay can charge in fees rather than letting the free market decide that? I don't know, that's starting to sound a little like socialism, isn't it? 

Message 61 of 69
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Ebay charging sellers fee's on taxes collected when is enough?

@windyman55 wrote:


Me thinks thou protest too much.!!

The Shakespeare quotation could use some work.

Message 62 of 69
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Ebay charging sellers fee's on taxes collected when is enough?

@omgitlightsup wrote:

The right time and people to have complained about this to was a year ago when your legislators lowered the threshold to $600, alas.

That's been going on long before they stuck it to online sellers in March of 2021 when it was signed into law.

Message 63 of 69
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Ebay charging sellers fee's on taxes collected when is enough?

Yes, everyone that sells and/or buys online know about the costs of online sales -  the price of the item, the cost of the shipping, the sales tax and sometimes, the Value Added Tax.


So the buyer and the seller have to pay for the money processing and the services that eBay offers.


Before Managed Payments, eBay's had the money processing done by PayPal who took their payment out before you saw the money.  Now the money processor is Ayden and so you pay Ayden instead - the price, the shipping cost and the sales tax.  And eBay does work for you in calculating the sales tax, collecting it from the buyer and sending it to the State the item is delivered in.

Message 64 of 69
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Ebay charging sellers fee's on taxes collected when is enough?

@lepke1979 wrote:

Used to not be the case, but Amazon and eBay lost that battle over sales tax about a decade ago.

South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. was decided in June of 2018--more like 3-1/2 years ago, not a decade.

Message 65 of 69
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Ebay charging sellers fee's on taxes collected when is enough?

Recall buying items from Sears, Home Depot, MTD lawn mower parts, etc on their online sites several years ago (over 7  years ago).    Paid sales tax on the purchase price.  About the only place I never paid sales tax on anything was at yard sales - estate sales all & second hand stores all charges sales tax.


Why should  sites like eBay, etc be exempt.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 66 of 69
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Ebay charging sellers fee's on taxes collected when is enough?

He just said out loud what many of us have been thinking. It's not just about the tax.
The fees in general are high including the shipping charge. EBay included the shipping in their fees because many people tried to get over by charging low price and high shipping . That was when you only paid a fee on the item. 

I reiterate. The fees are too high, and just remember many of us pay monthly store subscription as well. 


What really gets me is when EBay sends you a message recommending , To sell your item try lowering the price!!! If I do that I have no profit. 

Also many buyers are not aware of all the fees we incur!  Marlon 5757

Message 67 of 69
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Ebay charging sellers fee's on taxes collected when is enough?

Lets put this in perspective a bit. 

First off its true that Ebay is making money off the state sales tax money collected. This tax money is added to the amount that Ebay charges the sellers final value fee on. That tax money is then removed from that figure prior to creating a 1099 for the seller. (at least according to all the documentation I have read.)

 Second Back in the earlt 2000's Selling on Ebay was more fun, more affordable . Sellers had more say and more rights. You sold your items and the cost of selling in the end with both paypal and Ebay fees was around 5% grand total. 

In the years since  Ebay has grown to use its sellers pretty much ike a "herd of cattle". Sellers dont have much choice other than to comply and sign on with each new set of rules that Ebay dictates. Otherwise , if you dont sign, you dont sell. No other choice available. We all sign and sell because there is no other place to go and get the bids on most of the stuff  we sell.  We can gripe, but we dont have any teeth or a leg to stand on to change it... and no where else to go as a really viable alternative. Thats the nature of a monopoly, regardless of the nature of its coming into being.

tree. This is the big one that is yet unexplored. Ebay is using the states sales tax money to make money for itself. They add the sales tax money to the sellers sales, charge their fees, then pull that money back off the sellers sales before paying the sellers or reporting the sellers money on a 1099. (again based of ebay literature I have read)

Now, Ebay is likely paying income tax on the money they make off the states sales tax dollars. However, the question is are they(Ebay) paying the states anything for that use of those sales tax dollars being collected by Ebay?...and are that states aware of Ebay using their sales tax dollars being collected  to make money for themselves?

 While Ebay sellers are a defenseless herd of cattle, the States are a different matter entirely. They have legs to stand on and  teeth to bite with.

Message 68 of 69
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Ebay charging sellers fee's on taxes collected when is enough?

Hi everyone,


Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.


Thank you for understanding.

Message 69 of 69
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