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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

Hello, I have been on ebay for 20 years selling off and on. I opened my ebay stores in 2013 and have been having great sales until the last 2 1/2 years. Sales have been declining slowly and steady for the last year and a half. 2021 and 2022 have been horrible nothing but a downward spiral..

I have done updating, relisting, sell similar, new listings, new pics, updated coded listings, added promo, having sales 10%-15% off. new titles Nothing is giving. 

I know my listings are not being found on the search results. I'm pretty much ghosted even though i can see them myself. No page impressions.. Not to mention china sellers are always at the top of the search results because of multiple never ending new accounts from the  same seller and low prices.

This is it I'm calling it quits as the business has dwindled to $100 dollar weeks. 

I sell industrial filtering media so the demand will be there. I keep reading how online shopping  is down all around ebay, posh, mercari etc. This is an ebay issue.  Looks like they are weeding out sellers quickly.

ebay sent me a message to try the new beta marketing campaign $500 off **bleep**! to get listings at the top of search results. 

Anybody having a similar experience, I would like to hear from you. 

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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

Well, my ebay sales have practically stopped. People have just stopped spending and the reason is very clear to anyone with a brain and it is not going to get better in the near future, probably worsen. Another thing is people are no longer saving that much or anything from buying online with sales tax and shipping plus selling fees. Unless you are selling volume for a small profit, it's not worth your effort. All the incentive is being taken away from American Sellers and China is profiting unless you have a niche.

Message 151 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

"Yeah I Think Ho Ho Ho, Is Looking More Like Bah Humbug!!"


Or HO HO HOpeless

Message 152 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

I've just pressed your "view listings" and I don't see a single listing.

Have you removed your items or is there some flaw ?? 

Message 153 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

I agree that promotion is just added ebay fees.  The crazy thing is if everyone I compete with promotes then it's just back to a level playing field.   I had one really good selling day this month mixed into about 10 no sales days in the same period.  Must have been my day to get to the top of the promotion list.

However,  my listing impressions and views are good but my sales conversion is terrible.  Buyers are interested, dont mind the price but just dont push buy.  

As long as big oil and huge grocery chains continue to price gouge under cover of "inflation" no one will push buy on discretionary buys.  

Message 154 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

So my problems I've been told are...

Blurry Pictures

No Diversity

Unwanted items

The economy 

Its summer

The holidays 

School  started

Boomers are getting old

Gen X Y & Z dont collect

Please...did I miss anything?!?


Now who thinks they know what the

REAL problem? 

Message 155 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

It's crazy that it's November and should be one of the biggest times of the year for retail but it's the worst month I've ever had. Doesn't matter if I increase the promotions, sell new items, have sales. Nothing seems to matter. I feel like I only get sales and views when eBay decides to open my store. 

Message 156 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

Not applicable

I have been here 17 yrs, and correct the worst I have seen it. sales don't bring people in any more. the recession is going to kill us. but thats what they want it to do, a total reset. first of the year was awesome, 2500 a month now were down to about 100 dollars a month.  Looks bad for us all. unless your YouTubing it.  and selling a lot of junk.  I HOPE PEOPLE LOOK AT THE WALMART CRAP, AND DON'T BUY TILL JANUARY. THEY HAVE TO MARK IT DOWN ALL STORES WILL. 


Have a great season eBay, you're going to need it. 

Message 157 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

Not applicable

Good day, I am a retail manager retired, this is the worst retail has seen in so many years. but what to do, sales came bring them in. its a gallon of gas over an item for christmas. its crazy, I see a lot of bankruptcies in the future. mine too. been a nice ride. but seriously its been a great experience.  Never seen it this bad in 17 yrs. 

what to do with all my ebay boxes?  can't list em my store is suspended from listing. yep they got me on a 2.99 return. **bleep**. seriously. well folks check me out on mercari, or Buybyestuffamerica.

Message 158 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

I was seller.since 2004 If I sell 1 item now.a year it's too much. I still waiting for my money... I won't ship until I get paid. I hate ebay is not easy to sell anymore. It's not the seller friendly.  What really aggravates me is nkt being able to email customer service without reasons and stupid bot. Ebay is going be thing of the past. I only use it when looking hard to find vintage items even then amazon is getting in on it too.. Ebay customer service is horrible . 

Message 159 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

I'm still waiting for one person to name a site that competes with ebay.

Message 160 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

Great post. Exactly. " I feel like I only get sales and views when eBay decides to open my store." Not enough buyers so they have to throttle your listings.

Message 161 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

Yeah I'd agree with the poster who just talked about it being coordinated effort and a global reset. They (not Ebay but our own government) are trying to get people into massive debt. Probably to have them sign their rights away in exchange for complete debt forgiveness in some future program they're developing.


However, like this person just said, there isn't any other place like Ebay.  Plus the moves our government is making is going to affect all platforms and everybody's wallets so there's no real escape.


 Besides listing everyday on eBay and doing everything I can to promote sales, the only other thing to do is to have emergency supplies and a very healthy fear of what could happen if you get swallowed up by credit card debt.

Message 162 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

The funny thing about everyone forced to promote is that if we all do it there's DOUBLE the amount of listings showing up on every search!  Talk about muddying up the water.  What a ridiculous concept.

Message 163 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

I just keep thinking about the day when all the cheap Chinese goods are gone.  A day when we have to get back to making things here at home and quality comes back into play to make up for the higher prices.  It will happen.  China won't forget about Taiwan so the day of free trade with China is coming to an end one day.  Can't come soon enough for me. 


Also nobody can explain to me how shipping all those goods all over the world via millions of cargo ships every year is "green".  How is that environmentally friendly more than buying and producing "local"?

Message 164 of 259
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Ebay Sales completely stopped in last 2 months October 2022

How about the fact that eBay is now charging sellers on the "Taxed Total" of the sale? That's when I pulled all of my items for sale, and now I'm only a buyer. 

Message 165 of 259
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