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Did ebay just get rid of the "eclude shipping locations" page?

I have 1000's of items and ship worldwide but, due to floods, protests, problems with too many customers, etc.  If I need to stop shipping somewhere, like Australia right now due to crazy floods I go to the page I bookmarked years ago and get the "its us not you".  Problem when an item is relisted, as we are  store with multiple that get relisted, ebay automatically adds everyone back in so if I list a bunch of items or edit and relist, I have to use that page to take off whoever of the moment is not ideal to ship to.   Ive had CS not understand why I dont just change it in the listings of course and its becasue I have many 1000's of items. First, its impossible to go back and individually edit that many listings.  Ebay makes us do it frequently with terrible updates and item specs that have no meaning for us and second its impossible to find out later which items I want to ship to a country and go in and add them without having to mess with the parameters of the whole international shipping. It can take days to a week to do the whole store.

Also asia is a grouping of countries but I may ship to Thailand and not Singapore for a time.  Going into your listings one by one (you cant bulk because shipping is per unique item and ranges from $17-$90 for huge valuable stuff).

So basically this list is super important.  I have to turn our store off otherwise we end up shipping to some country that we arent at the moment. Weve had a lot of problems with certain places since covid and the collapse that has begun.  We keep widdleing down.  No Benelu, then no UK, now no Australia.  I dont do it lightly as we have sold a ton there over the last 15 years. (yes im missing the "ecks" key in the title and back a sentence.

I write this immediately upon noting mas maybe some nontroll has an answer or to note it as I can imagine someone brilliant at ebay taking something important for business with 1000;s f items becasue they themslves dont use it or see the use.  Which happens frequently and always lands us in one more workaround way.

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Did ebay just get rid of the "eclude shipping locations" page?

This page is currently down:

It's not you. It's us.

Message 2 of 10
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Did ebay just get rid of the "eclude shipping locations" page?

Wow. Out with Parka Punk. Just wow...

Message 3 of 10
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Did ebay just get rid of the "eclude shipping locations" page?

They're 2 different screens for 2 different types of errors. "It's not you, it's us." is shown when a page is down. "We looked everywhere" is usually shown when a page no longer exists, though it does pop up at other times, too.

The kid in the parka is still around. In fact, he's getting ready for Halloween where he'll reveal his true nature ...


Message 4 of 10
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Did ebay just get rid of the "eclude shipping locations" page?

Heres the link I have , its been active through all the hot mess myebay changes.  My store is now open for the whole flooded world untiul I close it.   Ebay valuation seems to have nothing to with sales anyway so I doubt anyone will care.

-narcissism will be our undoing as a species, its already happening.

Message 5 of 10
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Did ebay just get rid of the "eclude shipping locations" page?

I'm getting the "It's not you. It's us." page at that link @soccerteeth - is that what you're seeing?

There's a separate issue with the exclusions page which essentially shows a blank screen. Which issue are you running into?

Message 6 of 10
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Did ebay just get rid of the "eclude shipping locations" page?

If you're referring to "It's not you it's us" error - that is new. It wasn't happening yesterday. Hopefully the problem will be fixed with tonight's scheduled site maintenance.

If you're referring to an issue where the page loads but it's not showing you a list of countries, that's been happening since the Spring. I reported it to CS back then but as of yesterday it was still broken. I searched and found a link to a thread where we previously discussed it (link).

Message 7 of 10
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Did ebay just get rid of the "eclude shipping locations" page?

By the way, Australia is a large continent, only around 20% smaller than the US, and the floods are only occurring in some small regional towns with low population. 

I doubt that postage delivery would be an issue. If the postie is unable to deliver due to local emergencies, the parcels are held at the nearest post office where they can be collected. 


Message 8 of 10
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Did ebay just get rid of the "eclude shipping locations" page?

I'm aware of that but, re you aware that Australia has been getting wrecked with floods for the last 2-3 years. My main special interests are world disasters and psychology.    When there is a shutdown on one coast, it affects and backs up the posts and deliveries on the other. The infrastructure has been damaged and its starting to look like America with the homeless population. People are still living in their moldy houses in New South Wales.  

We've shipped to Australia and anywhere we could reliably for 15 years, Id love to have their business but if you actually ship on ebay, you know when something goes wrong, then ebay is not there to help you. You just get railroaded into giving a possibly impatient person their money back.  If your item comes back, you hope it survived the trip and weve had stuff arrive back 4 months later.  Our average sale is way over $100 so its an easy guess to say that I sell a $500 item and it ends up in limbo, at the same time someone is getting down my neck.    We don't sell necessities, so no one is dying without our items and we  certainly have little room for anymore headache with everything falling apart. We need our sanity more than money. Its a better position than most to be in but, having empathy, I realize everyone wrecked.  The whole world and our country is pure ptsd.  Ebay has a special way of twisting the knife in and making sure you know that you're un-needed and worthless. People confuse ebay the original company with ebay of today. Its just a vasal for the executive class to siphon money out of the plebs without fixing or doing anything of value for its sellers other than a plate of word salad, which tells you usually, "OH, No".  Even these subs I stopped posting on as they stink of gaslighting . Its an extremely broken psychology that does that for a living but, in ways I dont blame people for making a living in an atrocious way as that's what the managerial class subsists on.  Zero empathy, zero interest in making a good functional product, only share holder enrichment and impoverishing the bottom whether they care to know or not.  America is a mentally ill population and Im mainly talking about the top. The rest are victimized over and over and told theyre the problem. They don't work hard enough, they're too weak, etc. 

BTW, the whole world is flooding. If like most others , especially westerners, most have zero idea of whats going ion outside their countries. The US msm shows about 1% of the weather disasters but there are a good many cell phone video aggregators on youtube now that show you every single day, multiple countries are having massive floods, like deadly, destructive.   The whole worlds burning.

This also brings to light the new cleaving apart of the usps with shipping becoming terribly inefficient as thats how corporations work. We've sent multiple packages international that now get batched via pitney bowes even when using usps l;labels and one recently to Japan, ended up bumping around in containers for weeks with multiple container scans, never left the country and was returned with us eating the $35 postage and having to communicate, grovel, and spend money again (same ebay printed address) to get it to the buyer.   This rarely happened in over 40k packages now parcels are held on either coast for 5 days before leaving due to private companies cleaving apart a public institution.  They always pretend its about effiiciency, such as when ebay makes something simpler for we sellers but, since Devins reign especially, its been nothing but hot air and word salad. You hear where making it simpler in the new shipping concept, you can guess that means someones middlemanning more funds of yours and the systems and everything will become inefficient and more complicated all so someone with too much money, has more, or perceived power. Psychology is everything. Our psychology is greed.

Nothing is covert anymore. All the lies we see and the lies we tell are overt for a good many while the sender thinks they are being covert . Morals are apparently antiquated. 

Message 9 of 10
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Did ebay just get rid of the "eclude shipping locations" page?

Before I sign off here for hopefully good, which means no more problems and btw, the page is back up.

If youre intersted to see whats happening in the world. disaster compilations, the earth is angry, climate change, etc.  The names means nothing, its just cell phone footage of disasters as soon as they can be uploaded. The average person is missing 99%.  If youre in another country you may know this. every continent, ever major country getting wrecked. Thats only floods. All of the water from melted glaciers didnt raise the seas as we simplistically thought. The wobbly jetstream is helping it to evaporate quickly with extreme temps and then it dumps record rains repeatedly on everything. OZ has been devastated  over a couple years as much as people like to minimize. And generally if its not happening to "you", it doesnt matter or isnt so bad. Its just hasn't hit us all yet.   If the temps calm down and the cycle slows, the water levels will rise on the coasts, rivers, and lakes. If it doesn't and keeps happening some arid places will become juicy again as they can now absorb water vs flash floods. So more problems coming for ebay packages.

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