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Dear Ebay: How do you justify charging the full FVF on sales tax- money that we sellers never see??

Can someone from eBay please articulate your justification for including sales tax- money that we sellers never actually possess- when calculating the final value fee?  If you have a compelling argument on why it's necessary, other than basic greed, we sellers would love to hear it. I thought it was bad enough when Paypal started doing this, but at least their overall fee was on par with industry standard at 2.9%.  But charging us an 11.5% fee (or more) on sales tax is absolutely outrageous. It's tantamount to price gouging, and is unscrupulous at best, if not possibly illegal.  Ebay, you are BEGGING for a class-action lawsuit if you do not change this unfair predatory fee structure. I understand you have an obligation to your shareholders to make more money, but your lack of other viable strategies to do so should not be your seller's burden to bear. Simply jamming your hand a little deeper into our pocket to pad your own reflects a laziness to think of any other long-term revenue solutions, and frankly, shows a blatant disrespect for your sellers. As a long time member of the eBay community, a Top Rated seller, and power seller, I respectfully submit that if you care one iota about your the sellers (you know, the people actually making all that money for you), you will reconsider this egregious money-grab and END fees on sales tax.


To my fellow sellers:  Please make your voice heard. I encourage you to call eBay, write your own post, and reply to this one to share your objection to eBay's unfair skimming of our hard-earned money!

Message 1 of 47
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Dear Ebay: How do you justify charging the full FVF on sales tax- money that we sellers never see??

Forget about the law firms....or the BBB .....go to the Goverment sites....for them!

Message 46 of 47
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Dear Ebay: How do you justify charging the full FVF on sales tax- money that we sellers never see??



often my buyers pay for the product and the ebay fees

Message 47 of 47
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