11-03-2024 02:28 AM
My selling page has stopped showing bids in colour - every price is in black. I've checked settings and I tried restoring my listings page to the default settings, but still all prices, with or without bids, show in black. Anybody have any thoughts?
11-03-2024 02:48 AM
Not sure why there would be no color.
Might be another eBay improvement.
I dont run auctions so I cant say if this is in the US too, but Im sure someone else will be along that can say if it is on .com (US) site also.
11-03-2024 05:22 AM
Thanks. I, too, wondered if it was an ebay improvement - but it seems a wee bit unlikely.
11-03-2024 09:08 AM
I noticed this issue about 3 days ago; the color seems to work for one day and then the next day it's back to all black. Just weird.
11-03-2024 09:32 AM
It's been off and on for me also. It is easier to see, having the red showing auctions with bids. So, I hope that they change it back.
11-03-2024 09:36 AM
That " feature" comes and goes. I suspect they are testing the software and it's only on some servers and not others.
11-12-2024 04:32 PM
I'm having the same problem.
All my listings are black prices. Makes it much harder to see which ones have bids or not. I hope they fix this soon.
12-06-2024 09:26 AM
I'm having the same issue. It makes it much harder to tell which items have bids and which do not.
01-19-2025 10:58 AM
I am having the same issue and its new for me, might be a glitch. My auctions auctions are all black in color and even the time is black. When it gets to under 24 hours it turns red and if no bids turns red and bids turn green. But none of that. I am going to reach out to them.