03-22-2019 01:36 PM
Hello All,
Sorry to bring up another post regarding this. We are down in New Zealand and as such use of Ebay is limited. I've read all the articles from Ebay and a number of posts but nothing is 100% clear.
Just to confirm.
1 - GTC is now the default listing type for fixed price rather than 30 days?
2 - GTC now has no insertion fees (if you have a store)?
3 - 30 day fixed price listings now incur a insertion fee?
4 - Existing 30 day fixed price listings will be charged an insertion fee if they renew due to automation rules?
03-22-2019 01:45 PM
As it is here in the states:
1 - GTC is now the default listing type for fixed price rather than 30 days?
2 - GTC now has no insertion fees (if you have a store)?
Yes, until your allotment of "store Included" listings are used up. The next month, GTC will cost another one of your allotment of listings.
3 - 30 day fixed price listings now incur a insertion fee?
There are no 30 day fixed price listings. All fixed price are GTC.
4 - Existing 30 day fixed price listings will be charged an insertion fee if they renew due to automation rules?
I read that here in the states, Existing 30 day fixed price listing will end and go into your ended listings. Not for sure what automation rules you speak of?
03-22-2019 02:48 PM
"4 - Existing 30 day fixed price listings will be charged an insertion fee if they renew due to automation rules?"
Yes, you will be charged a listing fee or a deduction of your credits, if you do nothing, GTC listings will continue to automatically renew every 30 days and incur a fee each time that they do so.
03-22-2019 02:58 PM
The only thing that has changed is that you can no longer select 3, 5, 10, or 30 days as the duration for a fixed price listing. All new fixed price listings, and relisted fixed price listings, will be in "Good until canceled" duration.
1. Yes. No other duration is available for fixed price listings.
2. There is no change in the way that insertion fees are charged. If you have a free insertions fee available (e.g., your regular monthly ones or a special offer) then your GTC listing will use one of those free insertions when it starts, and another one each time it rolls over. If those free insertions are all used up then you'll be charged the regular insertion fee for a fixed price listing.
3. There are no 30-day fixed price listings any more.
4. If you have set up automation rules that automatically relist your fixed price listing, then the new relist will be a "Good until canceled" duration listing. Insertion fees will be charged as in point (1) above.