Recently I ran into issues with overseas buyers. I've come to realize that overseas shipping can get very expensive with and without tracking and will take much longer to destination.
It's getting to point where the shipping cost is almost as much as the cost to win the bid. Which makes bidding no sense and not worth it. I can understand that point of view.
First order the bidder wanted to cancel due to how much it would cost for tracking. I've agreed and cancelled the order and gave a refund of the winning bid.
Second order, the winning bid says he won't be around to receive the item so request a cancellation. I've agreed and done so. He never paid the winning bid.
Third order, is the same as the first one. Wanted to cancel because he says he can't pay the shipping cost. So again I'm going to cancel.
At this point I'm going to turn off overseas shipping. Am I going to get hit with insertion fees and final fees for these orders that I've cancelled even though I didn't make any sale?