07-14-2024 12:00 PM
I am kinda new to the selling portion of Ebay and think I learned a lesson. If anyone can tell me if I'm wrong here and explain why I would appreciate it. To me the evidence looks pretty clear cut and I am trying to explain it in 1000 words thanks to Ebay's appeal system. Thankfully this is extra money for me but it is really frustrating none the less. I have been selling some more expensive stuff like watches and hadn't had a problem until now. The watch was 695, he asked for a discount and I said no because the watch was cheaper than anyone else's listing by about 500 dollars. He waited two days and said he would take it. I said ok, I'll pack it right and shipped it off. The day it arrives he says I sent him a padlock and not the watch. I figure I am pretty well screwed. Out of pettiness I sent a return label to get the lock and hopefully tie his money up long enough he would be late on rent. Well the lock I get back doesn't look like like the lock he sent a pic of to start the return. It looks like he stole the lock out/tag out lock from a machine. It has writing on it and no cylinder, clearly not the same lock as the one he sent a pic of. This makes me think to google image search the pic he sent. I find the exact pic on a lockpicking website on reddit. He very clearly grabbed the image from there. I think I got this guy and send in what I had found. How could his pic from June be the same pic exactly from three years ago right? Well nope, they give him all his money and shipping amount, The Ebay reply just says we know that it's not the same item but we decided to refund him because we don't actually lay eyes on the item you sent. Totally ignoring the fact I said I sent a watch and he said a padlock but can't produce the padlock and I found the image was stolen. I know I'm just SOL but with this being the first time for a higher ticket item I guess I just feel powerless. Also knowing I can't really prevent it from happening again either. I don't think I can post pictures on here and I can't link to the Reddit page. Sorry about all the text, guess I'm using this as a way to vent.
Solved! Go to Best Answer
07-14-2024 05:03 PM
Yeah, I did my onboarding with another selling site today. I expected some scammers but I was hoping ebay would at least listen. I can't even leave bad feedback for the buyer to warn others.
07-14-2024 05:58 PM
Yes, it wasn't an ebay sale though
When purchasing in the internet ALWAYS PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD. A c.card though PayPal is even better.
07-16-2024 10:04 AM
I just wanted you to know I appreciate your reply. I appreciate everyone's, good or bad, but I took your advice and let the process work. They guy did get his money back but Ebay covered my loss and on my 2nd appeal I think I got ahold of someone that looked over what I sent in. He wasn't in a place to keep the buyer's money but helped me. Overall it's a win but I was hoping to teach the buyer a lesson to save someone else he may do this too. I am happy Ebay sided with me, it was a little rough for a bit but If someone else is reading this that is going through the same thing follow profitweb's example. Also I did get lucky in a way. If my scammer wouldn't have been so cheap and just took a pic of something he had lying around and sent it back to me I would have been SOL. That's not really Ebay's fault because it's he said, she said. If you have some real evidence then fight the case. If you just think you can sway the Ebay rep to your side then you should probably stop while you're behind. Scummy people are everywhere and they get even scummier when they can hide behind a computer screen. I just have to concentrate on my great buyers that chat me up about Fallout stuff and slip them a little discount for buying from me again. Oh, always take a sec to reverse image search that supposed wrong item immediately. If you do get lucky like I did use it to scare the buyer into telling the truth, you may get lucky and not have to go through all this mess...... maybe.
07-16-2024 10:30 AM
Lets hope thyey stick with that decission.
07-16-2024 10:43 AM
How can the loss be lessened in a 'freight forwarder' case? Just curious in case I ever get one of those returns.
07-16-2024 10:44 AM
Thanks for the update!
07-16-2024 10:56 AM
To appeal you would need to let the return escalate.
On appeal ebay can/will send you an affidavit to sign. You upload it and any other documentation you have.
A dangerous game of chicken.
I have won my 3 switcheroos that way.
Be warned the process may have changed since my last win was 6 months ago or so.
07-16-2024 10:58 AM
This is a fascinating thread and CONGRATS on the outcome (well, I do have one concern about that, more on that in a minute).
But I am a bit confused about what you did. In fact I'm confused by @profitweb 's advice. -That said to "call" eBay but then said to avoid run-on sentences as if they were talking about writing. So I don't know how you followed the advice in the first place since it seemed to be two different instructions. And anyway, what DID you do? 'Ryan' mentions a "signed declaration" and an "affidavit" -What is he talking about??? That doesn't sound like anything profitweb advised.
Now as for Ryan's "decision" -please keep us informed about whether you actually get those funds released. I have a (admittedly vague) memory of someone posting here a similar message from an eBay rep ... but they didn't get the funds and had to go through several more rounds of contact to try to convince other eBay reps that the decision had been made, and I don't remember how it turned out in the end.
07-16-2024 12:08 PM
Yes the funds were returned to me, I have them now. I did both, I spoke to them on the phone and most of the correspondence was done through Ebay's message system. After the first decision was made and I lost I appealed and then I called the next day and spoke to a rep. It was easier for me to explain because they had the documents in front of them. This case originally started the beginning of June. The declaration I signed just comes after they said I won the appeal, it states what I said was true and I wasn't lying to get reimbursed. Profitweb's advice came into play on how to approach the people at ebay and write the appeal so I at least had a chance to win. This was a pretty long process, just when I asked the question if I could win was towards the end.
07-16-2024 12:55 PM
Ohhhhh, so you mean this thread is an update to a previous thread you started in June?
07-16-2024 03:40 PM
No, I started the Ebay case in June with the buyer and Ebay. I started this thread the first time they found in favor of the buyer. After I started the thread is when I filed my appeal. Ebay was actually pretty quick to respond.
07-16-2024 04:47 PM
Good to hear! - Considering our experiences and the many cases of thievery that we've seen go the other way on these boards, I am absolutely astounded you won the appeal - Especially considering there was really nothing unique in Profitweb's post - He/she mentions reporting the buyer, which we consider a joke - One item of ours that got thieved here was from a buyer who had a years worth of false positive feedback for the same exact type of crime and had already been reported by a large number of sellers - That showed us reporting is useless...
I would add not to ever loose sight of the lesson you learned to begin with on how easy it is to be stolen from here...Best of luck to you
07-16-2024 04:56 PM
Reporting the buyer is often an important step toward getting something found in your favor. The key is to do it before you attempt the 'whatever'. Doing it afterward is useless. I was told this by CSR's back when you could talk to knowledgeable ones on the phone.
07-17-2024 09:01 AM
Absolutely report the buyer! I also reported it to the USPS postal inspector. Go to the police and file a report as well. I contacted the police station to where it was delivered and that didn't help. I went to my local police station and got the report. No one is going to actually investigate but I do send that information to the scammer and in my claim with Ebay. My biggest evidence of course was the Reddit post showing where the guy got his pic from but try everything you can. If you were willing to go to the police and USPS I like to think Ebay will at least look at what you are saying a little more......... maybe.
07-17-2024 11:47 AM
Yes, if he can get someone on the phone from eBay support, that is preferable. However, it's not always an option.
It's best to outline a message to prepare for a phone call or a written submission. It helps, no matter what the first communication method is, for clarity. If I got someone one the phone, I'd probably submit a written request too, so I am clear and have a record (and he could include link to the photo's page).
Does that clear up the confusion for you? Thanks