06-25-2021 02:44 PM
I have been trying to make a listing. Every time I get this from Firefox on the bottom of a page if I try sell similar.
If I try a new listing it will not let me list it at all it will not bring up the listing page. I have tried logging out and back in and clearing cookies.
Firefox Can’t Open This Page
To protect your security, signin.ebay.com will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window.
Learn more…
Report errors like this to help Mozilla identify and block malicious sites
06-25-2021 02:51 PM
Have a look at this thread from 2018
I just skimmed it quickly but it might give you some leads. Seems like the topic at the time was "active content".
Unintended Active Content can creep in if you copy/paste from an online source into your Listing Description.
Or it might be completely unrelated to any of the above!
06-25-2021 02:57 PM
I've seen that with mis-configured websites (that includes eBay). You can open in another window, try another browser, or wait for the error to clear.
01-04-2022 01:51 PM
I also have listing issues on Ebay. In the final submission it momentarily runs and then halts the listing and throws me back to the listing editing in like 0.5 secs.
So.. I save the list... (but the process doesn't resolve beyond a circulating "processing gif"
I have to hope that listing is saved and retry the draft which then always goes through.
What a pain in the neck.
Conclusion: It's NOT the browsers... its Ebay page configuration! and how that may interfere with browser plug-ins also.
01-04-2022 02:06 PM
Thread from June, please close
01-04-2022 02:16 PM
Hi everyone,
Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.
Thank you for understanding.