10-13-2022 07:28 PM
I can’t add photos (nor delete) all the formats to list something are inoperable, I’ve been listing since 1999, there have been changes over the years but nothing like this. I tried several times and nothing happened. I initially list on my laptop (that’s where my photos are) and mange my listings through my phone or iPad. I do not WANT to stop selling on eBay but it won’t cooperate.
Very frustrated seller
10-13-2022 07:47 PM
It is a pistol, for sure. I list from my laptop (as well as manage from there) and haven't had photo issues..... but lately, I am having to save some in Drafts because I forgot how to exclude selling/shipping locations. Don't know when I lost that...
10-13-2022 08:47 PM - edited 10-13-2022 08:50 PM
The items you are selling are diverse enough, that you could try using "Sell Similar" with either your sold items or your already-listed ones and simply changing details where needed. The new format using "Sell Similar" is more intuitive than starting a listing from scratch, and a lot easier to get used to. It's been many years since I started a listing from scratch, as I always use Sell Similar on my laptop. I got forced into the new format last week, and it took only a few listings using Sell Similar with my current items to get used to it.
Cheers, Duffy
10-14-2022 05:44 AM
So many issues with the new design of the unified tool- expect it to be a PINA fro awhile- we have been hoping for effective change fro 8 months now and have gotten very little-
the main problem extends from it mobile only design structure that they are trying to get to work on laptops and computers. This of course has been a nightmare they are two completely different platforms and are used by two completely different types of people for two completely different reasons and give two completely different results. they cannot be unified by lowering the standard to the simplest one. all that does is make the UI on desktops and laptops completely frustrating to use and over complicated and confusing with everything get hidden in popup boxes instead of being plainly visible on our giant screens
Hang in there- hopefully they will come to their senses when they get the 3rd consecutive quarterly results of continued gmv decline- we cant list as much because it takes 3x longer with this new tool
10-14-2022 09:50 AM - edited 10-14-2022 09:51 AM
I second this ^
As a desktop user, the change has been a nightmare. Everyone who likes it seems to be small-time listers using tablets or phones. For the professionals who use desktops and laptops the change has been quite bad for many of us.
It was infinitely easier to fill in empty boxes or checkboxes than it is to select a stupid drop-down menu for EVERY detail. Half the time after entering the information the box deletes the info and you have to reenter it again.
Takes us 3-5 longer to list on the desktop. We sell items that require lots of information to be entered, so it's a big drag. People that are saying it isn't bad seem to already be listing on mobile and listing items that have little to no information being entered into every field.
I feel really bad for people listing jewelry as the amount of info required to even get your item accurately listed must be staggering.
10-14-2022 06:54 PM
That’s all I’ve ever done,
sell similar or sell one like this
it’s like a whole different language
10-14-2022 06:55 PM
Exactly !!!!!
10-14-2022 07:04 PM - edited 10-14-2022 07:06 PM
As a desktop user, the change has been a nightmare. Everyone who likes it seems to be small-time listers using tablets or phones. For the professionals who use desktops and laptops the change has been quite bad for many of us.
Not true, I use a desktop and initially I was in the camp that the new design had to be thrown out (I posted those opinions too). The kinks were fixed (most of them, not all), and it is now much faster and better organized than the previous version. I recommend using the sell similar option from a previous listing toole, fill in the blanks, avoid areas that are irrelevant to your listing, and it is good. We could use a Dark Mode version of the new listing tool, that would totally rock for desktop.