11-11-2023 06:51 PM
A buyer who won my auction sent me a message saying he was drunk and could I cancel the order.
If I cancel the order, is there any negative consequences to me? Like in fees or anything? Thanks
11-11-2023 07:01 PM
Cancel using "buyer requested" as the reason, no negative consequences for you.
Refuse to cancel and you could be in for a world of hurt if the bidder wants to punish you for refusing.
11-11-2023 10:43 PM
I'm kind of impressed by the "drunk" honesty here.
11-11-2023 11:57 PM
11-12-2023 12:11 AM
I rather like the persons honesty. It is refreshing and it made me laugh. For that reason alone I would say sure, no problem and cancel the transaction using the reason as the Buyer requested it. There is not negative affect on your account or the buyers.
Us humans make mistakes from time to time. It should not be necessary to, in some way, punish someone for everything that goes wrong. I'm unsure as to why you feel the buyer should be punished.
You can choose to deny it. Not sure how you are going to force them to pay. But lets say they do pay for it. Because you know they don't want the item, the next thing that will likely happen is when they receive it, they will file for a return. So you will then pay for return shipping and when you get it back you will fully refund the buyer. So by going this route the only thing you accomplish is costing yourself time and real money.
But you do have the right to deny the request. Just don't get upset if you are the one it ends up costing.
11-12-2023 12:28 AM
I'm not convinced it's actually honest but it's a lot more creative than......
My child
The babysitter
The cat
Grandmother died
I was in a traffic accident and can't afford it/don't need it.
Personally I like to use "just diagnosed with cancer", that one works even on the hard nosed. I used that on a collection agency once years ago, they actually stopped calling!
11-12-2023 12:43 AM
I had a rash of "my autistic son" excuses. At least this one is honest. I mean, it happens.
11-12-2023 12:51 AM
@slippinjimmy wrote:I'm not convinced it's actually honest but it's a lot more creative than......
My child
The babysitter
The cat
Grandmother died
I was in a traffic accident and can't afford it/don't need it.
Personally I like to use "just diagnosed with cancer", that one works even on the hard nosed. I used that on a collection agency once years ago, they actually stopped calling!
Being a two time cancer survivor I would be offended by someone using that as an excuse. Someone that is actually going through that battle would likely not do that / say that. When you are just diagnosed, it takes real effort to even say the word, much less think it and certainly not write it.
11-12-2023 04:37 AM
If you cancel using buyer requested there are no negatives other than I believe eBay charges you the $.30.
11-12-2023 04:41 AM
I had a rash of "my autistic son" excuses. At least this one is honest. I mean, it happens.
Thank you for the screen shot I am still laughing. My first thought was "was drunk" should probably be I was, and still am drunk. How big is a $150 ice cream sandwich and how would one ship it?
11-12-2023 06:12 AM
I would just let it time out and when they don't pay, cancel the sale for non payment. Maybe the buyer is honest, but they did bid.
So if someone gets drunk and gets behind the wheel, does the cop let them go because they were too drunk to be responsible? If you just cancel the sale, the buyer gets no dings for it, meaning you absolve them of any responsibility. Maybe they have a habit of drunk bidding? Lots of sellers here will disagree with me on this one. But it's not likely the bidder is going to pay anyway, so if you let it time out and they get a ding, at least someone is holding the buyer accountable for their actions.
11-12-2023 06:17 AM
@chapeau-noir wrote:I had a rash of "my autistic son" excuses. At least this one is honest. I mean, it happens.
That would be more of a "I was stoned" purchase. 😉
11-12-2023 06:35 AM
Oh yeah, too much pakalolo...lol😆
11-12-2023 07:47 AM - edited 11-12-2023 07:48 AM
@slippinjimmy wrote:I'm not convinced it's actually honest but it's a lot more creative than......
My child
The babysitter
The cat
Grandmother died
I was in a traffic accident and can't afford it/don't need it.
Personally I like to use "just diagnosed with cancer", that one works even on the hard nosed. I used that on a collection agency once years ago, they actually stopped calling!
How about "My babysitter got my dead grandmothers cat drunk. I was taking it to the vet with my child (who was worried about the cat) and we got in a traffic accident. When we got to the vet, found out the cat had cancer"?
11-12-2023 07:51 AM
I have bought stuff while 'enjoying that one beverage too many'. Paid for every one of them. Being an adult means I am allowed to drink. Being an adult also means I am responsible for my actions.