01-02-2021 09:07 AM - edited 01-02-2021 09:11 AM
Hi everyone ,
I am an ebayer since 2003 and never had particular problems as a seller nor as a buyer. However almost 4 years ago I got banned from selling in the clothes category. Reason for that was listing a second-hand pair of genuine Ray Ban sunglasses complete with the receipt from a trusted retailer.
Initially I thought it was for mentioning the title of a famous movie were the actor was wearing the same model of sunglasses. I tried to fix it a couple of times eliminating the key words that might have caused the problem but everytime I listed it, it got removed. The third time I tried I received the below "verdict" :
Your listing has been removed: Trademark Violation - Unauthorized Item
After reviewing your eBay account, we've taken the following action:
- Listings have been removed. A list of items that were removed can be viewed at the bottom of this message.
- We have credited all associated fees except for the final value fee for your listing(s).
The listing that was removed appeared to violate eBay policy. Please remember that you are responsible for the quality and authenticity of the products that you offer on eBay. It is against eBay policy to list any counterfeit items.
For more information please see our Replica, counterfeit items, and unauthorized copies policy:
If you have more questions, contact our policy experts:
Please be sure your current and future listings follow these guidelines, keeping in mind that additional violations could result in the suspension of your account.
So, despite holding the receipt and showing the proof of purchase from a reputable retailer, this item had been considered counterfeit resulting in a suspension of my account from selling in that category. I sent a copy of it to the customer service but they said the decision was made and there was nothing they could do.
I have been tring to contact the customer service recently to find out how long this restriction will last and when it can be lifted. They say it is indefinite.
This is very disappointing and frustating since I didn't do anything wrong and they don't give me the chance to prove it by banning with such a short notice. Furthermore, how can be a single alleged offence lead to an indefinite ban expecially when someone is an ebayer for almost 20 years with a 100% positive feedback?
I just wanted to know if at some point an indefinite ban can be lifted and if someone had a similar experience.
Thank you and happy new year!
07-22-2024 03:09 PM
Did you ever resolve this? i have a similar issue, i can no longer sell any of my watches due to listing a monster energy rubber bracelet i received as a promo about 15 years ago.
kind regards
07-22-2024 03:12 PM
This is an old thread from 2021. OP doesn't appear to be selling anymore, so I doubt they'll reply.
Should you have any questions or concerns it is always a good idea to start your own thread to get the help and advice for your specific issue.
07-22-2024 03:15 PM
Hi everyone,
Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.
Thank you for understanding.