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Automatically send offers

How to disable automatic sending of offers to interested buyers?

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Automatically send offers



You need to revise your listings.  Go in an disable the "easy pricing option" that comes right after you post your price for your item.  It will give you a link that states "more options" if it's checked off, un check it and keep an eye on it.  In the past ebay will sneak in and re check it and a lot of people who post on these boards have stated this has happened to them.  Check all your listings.  When you revise, it will give you the option again and it will read "boost you item to sell it quicker"  You'll see "I agree to the terms and conditions"
checked.  Uncheck it.  This should help you out.  Good luck. 

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Message 2 of 9
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Automatically send offers



You need to revise your listings.  Go in an disable the "easy pricing option" that comes right after you post your price for your item.  It will give you a link that states "more options" if it's checked off, un check it and keep an eye on it.  In the past ebay will sneak in and re check it and a lot of people who post on these boards have stated this has happened to them.  Check all your listings.  When you revise, it will give you the option again and it will read "boost you item to sell it quicker"  You'll see "I agree to the terms and conditions"
checked.  Uncheck it.  This should help you out.  Good luck. 

Message 2 of 9
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Automatically send offers

Thank You!!!!!

Message 3 of 9
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Automatically send offers

I don't know if eBay changed it, but I don't see that option in my revision page.


I just recently considered sending offers to new watchers of a particular listing, and I noticed that the AUTOMATICALLY SEND OFFERS option was automatically turned on. I checked my other listings with new watchers, and they were all identical, with the AUTOMATICALLY SEND OFFERS all turned on as a default. 


This is getting to be a bit much. Just a week ago I caught eBay automatically turning on PROMOTED LISTINGS ADVANCED in about 8% of my listings. I had to go into hundreds of invdividual listings and check them one by one to make sure PROMOTED LISTINGS ADVANCED was turned off. 


Now, when I send an offer to a new watcher, I have to manually turn off the AUTOMATICALLY SEND OFFERS option. THIS IS RIDICULOUS!

Message 4 of 9
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Automatically send offers

Seeing the same thing - manually sending offers enables the "Automatically send offers toggle". I relayed this to a support rep earlier today and get the sense they're not overly concerned.

Message 5 of 9
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Automatically send offers

@ghost-star wrote:

I don't know if eBay changed it, but I don't see that option in my revision page.


I just recently considered sending offers to new watchers of a particular listing, and I noticed that the AUTOMATICALLY SEND OFFERS option was automatically turned on. I checked my other listings with new watchers, and they were all identical, with the AUTOMATICALLY SEND OFFERS all turned on as a default. 


This is getting to be a bit much. Just a week ago I caught eBay automatically turning on PROMOTED LISTINGS ADVANCED in about 8% of my listings. I had to go into hundreds of invdividual listings and check them one by one to make sure PROMOTED LISTINGS ADVANCED was turned off. 


Now, when I send an offer to a new watcher, I have to manually turn off the AUTOMATICALLY SEND OFFERS option. THIS IS RIDICULOUS!

This happened to me (that eBay sneakily checked that send offers box). I thought I clicked it by mistake, but it's sounding like they changed my setting without my say-so.



Message 6 of 9
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Automatically send offers

And the fact that you can turn it on in bulk and once turned on it's super hard to turn off (one listing at a time and not listings are eligible to turn off) tells you all you need to know about this measure.


A case to say "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".

Message 7 of 9
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Automatically send offers


This thread is over 1 1/2 years old and this seller no longer sells, so they won't be replying to your post.  If you ever have a question always a good idea to open your own thread.  

Message 8 of 9
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Automatically send offers

Hello Everyone,

Due to the age of the thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thanks for understanding!

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