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Are Your Sells Slowing? Why Pay For A Store When Your Listings Are NOT Being Seen??

The problem is way bigger than most think, mainly because most sellers do not take the time to read.  New requirements for sellers to update all their listings to conform with the new 'catalog listing requirement' is beginning.  We've been feeling its effects for awhile now as they've been getting it up and running.  With questions like, "what's going on with eBay?" and, "what's happening to my sales?" and, "is anyone else experience a shut down of sales lately?"  All the same questions wondering why they are experiencing a loss of business.  This new 'product-based shopping experience' for the buyers, will have a profound affect on the sellers.  For some, like the big business type stores, this will be great.  For the smaller stores and those with unusual items it may be different.  For the sellers of vintage, used, antique and one of a kind, it may pretty much be over, or at the least, a stand still for some time. This new policy that takes affect in May is directly to benefit the 'new' item stores.  If your items are not found in the new eBay catalog, your items will not be viewed, plain and simple.  Of course eBay says they will eventually get those type items added into the catalog, but that these changes are going to take a lot of time and most likely, money.  I think we all know what that means.

I urge all sellers to take the time to go to the 'Seller Center' and read every question they have given answers for and don't forget to read the answer too.  It will open your eyes as to why you have not had any sales and why you may not have any for a long time.  If you have not updated your listings to be in the new product-based catalog for eBay's new 'product based shopping experience', then you are going to miss out. This is important so take the time and read the updates taking place before it is too late.  Some of you may want to just close shop and others will want to get busy fixing all their listings to be able to stay in business.  Go! Read! Do it now!   Smiley HappyHope I didn't scare you. I just wanted to get your attention.  This is important.  Below is one copied question & answer of the many eBay has supplied, as an example of what you will find there:

Will the catalog listing requirement expand to vintage, unique, or one of a kind items at a later time?

Yes. We will enable all sellers to add their products to the eBay catalog directly, including unique, handmade, and vintage items. Associating these items with the catalog will ensure that they are discoverable in the new product-based shopping experiences. Adding a unique product to the eBay catalog will require a similar time investment as the current listing creation process.

Does that not sound as though these will be last to make it into the catalog, and until they are added these will not be found in 'search'?? These were not the only ones so check it out and I think you will understand why your listings are not being viewed or bought.  Go to the 'Sellers Center' and read every question and click on the answers eBay has supplied so you won't be left behind.

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Are Your Sells Slowing? Why Pay For A Store When Your Listings Are NOT Being Seen??

Quit or be really patient. It did state that they would eventually set it up so we could make a 'catalog' listing for these items, but that it would take some time to do because they are setting up everything else first in the catalog which also takes quite a bit of time to do.

I would not be surprised to see these changes taking place a year or so from now going by how long it has taken them to set up the first part. They started working on this last year. Good luck to all.
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Are Your Sells Slowing? Why Pay For A Store When Your Listings Are NOT Being Seen??

It states these type items will be put in the catalog at a later date after they have finished putting the easier to place items in the catalog. The vintage, antique, custom-made, etc., will go into the catalog when they give the go ahead to these sellers to start creating their own listings for the catalog. This will take time. Feel free to read up on these changes and how they will be incorporated into the catalog under the updates. Although I read all of it, there was no specific time-line for these items to be included. It did states they would be doing all the other catalog listings first or that was what I interpreted it to say. Check it out. You can locate it under the 'Seller Center' 2018 updates.
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Are Your Sells Slowing? Why Pay For A Store When Your Listings Are NOT Being Seen??

If you have the Seller Hub, look under 'Shortcuts' and you will find Seller Center. Click this and then keep clicking on through until you reach 'Updates' for 2018. If you didn't find it let me know and I will try and be more detailed.
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Are Your Sells Slowing? Why Pay For A Store When Your Listings Are NOT Being Seen??

It will affect you. It is being set-up so that when buyers use 'search' it will only show what is in the 'product-based catalog'. In the future they do plan to have sellers create info for those listing to be added to the catalog but it will be the very last part of the update to this catalog.
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Are Your Sells Slowing? Why Pay For A Store When Your Listings Are NOT Being Seen??

For Vintage items they are already active in the Pottery/China area and so far I can say they are a mess.   There is no option when your square plate will not fit in their round hole.  I had a plate listed in the decorative plate category but that option is not available.  I thought about using a really ridiculous choice since I do not want anyone to think they can eat off the plate.  I think every ebay engineer should have to spend a month listing, relisting and revising items on ebay before making any changes.  Maybe once they see what a PIA it is to revise they might be more considerate.  If I treated my customers they way ebay treats us I would be out of business.  Just look at Amazon's Book categories to see what happens when they try and make vintage and OAK items fit in categories.  What a mess.  I wish ebay had an option where you could change you store size while you work on changing all your square listings to fit. 

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