06-03-2021 01:09 PM
According to the latest email I got from Ebay
I can still sell Playboy, Playgirl, Mayfair, and Penthouse
But not:
Gay magazines with the same kind of images/photos
Gay magazines with out photos, just erotic stories
Photography books
Books that might be deemed erotica
Humorous, "naughty" greeting cards
EBAY please, please, please explain to me how Playboy's, Playgirl's, Mayfair's, And Penthouse's genitalia images, and/or stories are any different than the ones I sell??
If I remove all the objectionable images/words from my listings, will they be allowed to remain for sale??
06-03-2021 01:20 PM
06-03-2021 07:52 PM
I like when someone answers a question about the bizarre decisions eBay makes with a link to the bizarre policy the questioner is already well aware of.
As to the last question, you may be able to skirt the rules but it's a big risk. eBay has ended people's listings for violations they don't even violate.
06-03-2021 07:58 PM - edited 06-03-2021 08:00 PM
Some of it may be because of their payment processor. Some of it may be because no one in the eBay leadership wants to buy that kind of stuff. Seems like if the leadership wants to buy it, the stuff in question is usually allowed to stay on the site.
08-15-2021 06:14 PM
They've been harassing me since early June. I removed all my listings that would not conform to their new rules. Problem is they don't follow their own rules. Every 7-10 days I get something yanked with a suspension. The fact that everything they pull is conforming to their stated rules is irrelevant. They just change the rules as we move along. And India is absolutely no help. They said "examples of magazines and books that generally do not contain sexually explicit content and can be listed in the Magazines category" but what the really mean is their examples ARE the only magazines allowed. And yes, ebay is proving to be extremely homophobic. Their list of magazines is very hetro-centric. Thank god for amazon, though I don't think gay adult items will move nearly as fast there. Has anyone found a realistic new site for listing? Adult Stuff Only seems questionable at this point.
08-15-2021 06:20 PM
Some would like thinking is tightly controlled.