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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

First, selling  on ebay for 25 years and I had a handful on negatives, maybe three.  Got a recent negative from a buyer from France saying my item was fake. It was not.  AI denied my request to remove it.  Today, an email from  buyer saying she is unhappy that her package will not arrive on time for her Mom's birthday. Even though I sent  it today within my handling time stated on the listing. I know I am going to get dinged.  Will the AI remove it?

CDM Antiques
Message 1 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

Someone recently threatened me with a negative because the shipment was delayed due to a train derailment. I ended up calling him an "entitled (word similar to couchbag)" in one message, then replied to his follow-up message that he was a moron and would get no further reply from me.


He ended up leaving a positive. Most people here insist you need to conform to their idea of professionalism, but sometimes just letting loose on a buyer does the trick.

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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

Will the AI remove it?



In light of the recent change in how feedback is treated here for sellers, unless they use inappropriate language (and even then) it won't be removed automatically by a bot.  Customer service agents and social media reps no longer are allowed to intervene.  They won't even remove them if it was for a different item that they bought from someone else.  

Most likely, if your buyer bothered to look at all, it is eBay that often gives unrealistic estimated delivery dates on your listings.   Since you are in the US and not under the demands of the BBE, feedback does not count for your seller rating anyway.  

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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

You are a bit premature here.  No one can advise you on a feedback the buyer hasn't even left yet.  Anything we might add would only be a guess.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 4 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

I sincerely hope no one follows in your footsteps.  While you may feel you did the right thing, it wasn't.  Name calling is simply not needed.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 5 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

The buyer hasn't even left feedback yet.  So you nor anyone else knows if the AI would remove it.  It doesn't exist yet so it is all assumptions and guess work right now.  The OP is simply premature in asking the question.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 6 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

The OP is simply premature in asking the question.



I understood the OP to be merely asking 'what to expect'.  There is no requirement that they remain silent until it happens. 

Message 7 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

Got a recent negative from a buyer from France saying my item was fake. It was not. AI denied my request to remove it.

eBay does not have "an AI" that can travel to the buyer's house and examine it, nor does eBay have "an AI" that is an expert in the intellectual property status of all 1.5 billion items listed on the site.


Even though I sent it today within my handling time stated on the listing. I know I am going to get dinged. Will the AI remove it?

Generally speaking, eBay only removes negative feedback that qualifies for removal under their policy. No one here can read your buyer's mind and predict what that hypothetical future negative might say.

Message 8 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

You can always request a feedback revision from the buyer. If that fails, you can call Ebay to ask them to remove the neg. 

Message 9 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

             If that fails, you can call Ebay to ask them to remove the neg.


They won't unless it blatantly violates some policy - and even then maybe 50/50 shot. It took me 35 days and numerous contacts with eBay to have an EIS negative removed - and that is something eBay specifically states will be removed.

Message 10 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

Thanks all for your responses.

The France  negative was frustrating because it was untrue and there is no way now to prove my case against the  item is fake claim. I did try and talk to the buyer and asked for revision...crickets. The process to object to a negative is very limited with a few pull down options that are almost instantly denied.


As far as the second maybe negative... I was just asking in a vague way,  if a negative from a "late" shipment will be removed by the new system when the item was shipped on time and arrived on time (but not soon enough for birthday event)

CDM Antiques
Message 11 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

If it's an EIS Shipment (since you said it was to France), it's supposed to be removed.  I share the pessimism of several others here saying it's hard to get it removed even if it should be due to policy, which clearly applies here, but maybe you'll be able to get it removed easier than most!  If she opens a case for INR, you'll be in better shape, ironically, because if you win that (and you will if it's an EIS shipment), the feedback gets auto-scrubbed, though it can take a few days.

Message 12 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

 EIS Shipment (since you said it was to France), it's supposed to be removed.


The France item was sent via EIS, I tried twice to have it removed and denied both times. It was delivered in mid Feb.

CDM Antiques
Message 13 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

@trip98 wrote:

 EIS Shipment (since you said it was to France), it's supposed to be removed.


The France item was sent via EIS, I tried twice to have it removed and denied both times. It was delivered in mid Feb.


I did not realize that the EIS claimed to protect sellers from all negative feedback, such as feedback authenticity (as was the case with the OP's France shipment). 


Can someone point me to the policy that says this?


Message 14 of 18
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About to get a second negative in less then a year . Will the AI protect me?

They don't protect against all negative feedback.  This was assumed to be about arriving late, but if the buyer puts a false reason you're right, it may not be officially covered.


Edit: I had not looked at the feedback since it was mentioned in the thread it was about the item not arriving in time.  Since they didn't say that, and since it's in French anyways, the bots aren't going to flag it as easily, and eBay will no longer allow it's CSRs to review feedback and remove it.


Edit 2: The only thing the policy says is here:

If you receive negative or neutral feedback related to item handling during international shipping, we'll remove it.


That wouldn't apply to that particular feedback.  Sorry I wasn't paying better attention!

Message 15 of 18
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