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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

I understood that eBay would roll out its Turbo Lister replacement in April. We're approaching the midpoint of April now, and I don't see any such thing in seller news. Am I missing something? Or is eBay missing something?

Message 1 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

I have used Turbo 2 successfully for years.  Lately it is telling me to sign in to allow Turbo to perform certain actions on eBay on my behalf.  It then repeatedly tells me that my user ID and password are not a match.  The user ID and password work on the Mobile App.  I changed the password, no difference.    Got in touch with their Turbo help unit, they said to wait a day.  Still no result.  Mister Lister and Turbo both gave the seller offline capacity.  I'm retired and can work online, but like most of you sell things that are identical months and years later.  Anyone having this user name/password issue and how have you resolved it? 

Message 16 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

Tried the reset, it crashed the application.
Message 17 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

Just for grins and giggles, went and tried the create your listing tool online.  It is now stuck in the blue wheel of death.

Message 18 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

Going to share this for others having this same issue.  Got in touch with their help deak, they actually provided me an answer that worked:


Please check these settings in your Internet Explorer browser:


In Internet Explorer > Tools > Internet Options, go to Security tab.  Click the Default level button there.


In Internet Explorer > Tools > Internet Options, go to the Advanced tab and check the box next to option for "Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections".  If you find the option is already selected, please deselect it, then reselect it and save that setting.


In Internet Explorer > Tools > Internet Options, go to Privacy tab, then Sites.  Enter in the field "Address of website", and click Allow.  It will appear in the list below that.  Then enter, click Allow.


I then restarted the computer.  Turbo went through a couple of verification processes, then came up as anticipated.  I hope this helps someone out there!

Message 19 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

For starters, if you have items in your TL database, export them as a TL or csv file so that you always have a back-up in excel which you can upload again if needed.
Secondly, find a good replacement program. I tried a few but have finally decided on wonderlister now. There are a lot of things in it that I don't need but basically I don't have to change the way I have been working as I did with TL with some added advantages such as scheduled listing and that is worth a lot to me.
Message 20 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

Hello, this is the original poster. I'm now in the position of looking for a replacement for TL. If you have time, I'd appreciate it if you'd share your impressions of the products you investigated, and the reasons why you chose WonderLister over the others.

Message 21 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

I've reviewed the web sites at Wonder Lister and SixBit, and I have a specific question about Wonder Lister for anyone who's familiar with it.


The feature matrix on the company's web site says that the lowest two levels of service ($5/month, $10/month) do not offer "CSV Export for other marketplaces." To get that you must step up to the third level ($25/month).

Exactly what does this mean? I don't plan to sell in marketplaces other than eBay, but if I'm using a third party tool I have got to have an exit path in case something bad happens to the supplier. Just supposing Wonder Lister the company goes up in a puff of smoke, will I need this feature to transfer my listing database to another product?

Message 22 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

@bitsofsiliconvalley wrote:

I've reviewed the web sites at Wonder Lister and SixBit, and I have a specific question about Wonder Lister for anyone who's familiar with it.


The feature matrix on the company's web site says that the lowest two levels of service ($5/month, $10/month) do not offer "CSV Export for other marketplaces." To get that you must step up to the third level ($25/month).

Exactly what does this mean? I don't plan to sell in marketplaces other than eBay, but if I'm using a third party tool I have got to have an exit path in case something bad happens to the supplier. Just supposing Wonder Lister the company goes up in a puff of smoke, will I need this feature to transfer my listing database to another product?

I also noticed the lack of an export function for the lower level $5 $10 plans when I reviewed Wonder Lister.


I just did a live chat with WL support and Export is available only to the Silver $25 plans and higher. WL uses Microsoft SQL and automated backups are made of a seller's data so protection of a seller data is there. If a seller wanted to leave WL, they would have to upgrade to the Silver Plan for a month to get the Export function to migrate their data out in CSV format. If WL was to cease a company, then a Seller with plans that do not have the export function would be stuck without access to their data.

Message 23 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

@vintagebev wrote:

I can't believe that they are going to replace TL.  My entire inventory of over 2000 books is in TL.  What would I do?

i use sixbit. it is pretty good. even when i think i have out grown it, there just isnt anything that is under 500 a month (or more depending on your transactions) that is anywhere near comparable.


i always hated turbo lister. but i know sixbit has a funstion to pull all the turbo lister stuff in to their program with out messing anything up. on the forums the community has never once mentioned a problem with doing this.


btw the owner pretty much had the first ebay listing program that ebay bought his company and then hired him to make their stuff then let him go when they decided that all tools had to be online.


im not a cheerleader. i still would like some things that would handle my business better, but for my enterprise package at 69 a month verses over 500 for other companies (when they dont do the main part  of the business that actually brings in the money anywhere near as good) its hard for me to justify changing



Message 24 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

Thank you for the information, Keith. I have one question: will SixBit export your database in a CSV, or some other format that's adaptable to another system? I see from the feature matrix that it imports CSV files, but it's silent about export.


For a few days I thought I would go with Wonder Lister, which does everything I need for $5/month. Everything but this: to get the export capability I'd have to pay $25/month. I wrote to the company earlier this week to point out that export is essential for anyone who couldn't afford to lose their database if the vendor ceased to operate, no matter how low their volume is or how simple their operation is. So far, no response. I'm giving them a few more days, but they're accumulating negative brownie points as I wait.

Message 25 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

@bitsofsiliconvalley wrote:

Thank you for the information, Keith. I have one question: will SixBit export your database in a CSV, or some other format that's adaptable to another system? I see from the feature matrix that it imports CSV files, but it's silent about export.


For a few days I thought I would go with Wonder Lister, which does everything I need for $5/month. Everything but this: to get the export capability I'd have to pay $25/month. I wrote to the company earlier this week to point out that export is essential for anyone who couldn't afford to lose their database if the vendor ceased to operate, no matter how low their volume is or how simple their operation is. So far, no response. I'm giving them a few more days, but they're accumulating negative brownie points as I wait.

yes it exports for multplie things. im on the enterprise but i belive that is available even on the cheapest plan (i could be wrong but doubt it). basically the higher plans give you more saved desription wrappers, snippets, etc, and also the top gives you alocation plans. the reason i show 2 available or whatever i choose i want to show and in 3 miniutes when one sells another is updated to show scarecity. (if i have 69 of a product, i obviously dont want to eat up my store free listings by listing them all but i want the buyer to feet im low on stock) either way i usually own my market but i have to keep fees in check. so while the 500 programs take 15 minutes to bring the sales in and another 15 minutes to update allocations, this program gets it in in 3 minutes and pushes the allocation immediately.


again, im not happy with everything, but i know every program out there, and i have tried 90 percent of them, and they cant do that, nor the listing stuff


literally on my listings item description,  i have my policies. if i want to close same day shipping now from 5pm pacific time to 2 pm cause something came up, i only have to do it in one single place. 2 mintes and every listing using that description wrapper is done in an hour.



dont get me worng. i rebuilt every listing i have in this program to use all their features, and thats why i can do that. it was worth it. handling the business is so less stressfull. ... that ebay 14 day to 30 day that happened a year ago, for top rated, i was going out that night. i toild my friend i had to change every listing to update the new requirement. he was mad. in 5 minutes i told him:"ok lets go, im done"


 i sell new stuff and restock every week a hundred items. this is my pain. they are working on this part now for a good purchase order system, but i dont think you need that based off your listings.


but what they have got my restocks in check and i know every time if a price rose from my supplier. its good, but theres a weakness for me . but that weakness doesnt compensate for the strengths i guess. .... i want it all but in the real world that doesnt happen i guess

Message 26 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

To this user, the export function has other uses besides as a backup.


When eBay started using/opting in the New Improved Listing program, there were several item fields that were not being updated/populated. The HitCounter and AdditionalInstructions for the Return fields (not on policies yet) were not being filled, for example.


Additionally, being able to verify other partners' data entry is a must, even when you trust those people. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and eBay has no tolerance for mistakes. These must be caught and corrected immediately, before a buyer purchases and an issue developes.


Accounts hacks have been known to occur. Being able to verify the PayPalEmailAddress is manditory to stop that form of hack.


I can do many things with Excel's string manipulation functions that are at best cumbersome, if not impossible, with the bulk editor. (In fairness, if these functions are available in the bulk editor, I am unaware of them)


Many times, I need to make account wide changes, that I can not do 200 items at a time. With FileExchange and a csv file, I can do this for all items at confidence.


All of the above require the need to see all item data in tabular format. Being able to sort columns, immediately brings errors to the top (or bottom).


In summary, I really hope eBay's stated enhancements to SellerHub come to be true. Personally, I do not care if it is offline of online. I know many do care. For members using DSL, this is a big concern. I would suggest they check out Verizon's (there are others) hotspot. I travel most of the country and can be online in most anyplace, upload/download the data I need to use, and access any site I wish. The prices are very comparable to DSL.

eBay is continually updating this site. Some advice given may have changed. Please reply to this thread, to let us know if this advice works for you. The links on the bottom of any eBay page can help you deal with most eBay issues. Contact eBay Customer Service on or
Message 27 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

Hello Keith, you seem to have a pretty good handle on this.

we just got a new vomputer and imagine our surpirse to find Turbo lister is no longer an option. it has worked quite well for us, not perfectly, but we were happy with it. we sell used books.  so we are now looking at other options.

xpress lister looks OK, do you have an opinion on it?

if we have to subscribe to something, our budget might allow $20 a month or so. any ideas you could pass on would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, terrylt

Message 28 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

@terrylt wrote:

Hello Keith, you seem to have a pretty good handle on this.

we just got a new vomputer and imagine our surpirse to find Turbo lister is no longer an option. it has worked quite well for us, not perfectly, but we were happy with it. we sell used books.  so we are now looking at other options.

xpress lister looks OK, do you have an opinion on it?

if we have to subscribe to something, our budget might allow $20 a month or so. any ideas you could pass on would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, terrylt

the program you listed is a pretty low level program. if you grow, you will have wasted time building in it.


again, your 2 best choices are sixbit or wonder lister. wonder lister is more inexpensive, but sometimes there is a reason for it. i chose sixbit. sixbit starts at 19.95 a month.  the inventory handling stuff is like 34, but this is for new items and it goes up from there.  if most of your items are used and your not restocking the 19.95 is probably all you need.


again i have tried wonderlister. And a lot of people on the forums mention it to think about going to it, but usually because of the price. remember all the hours and time you put in a program isnt worth saving a few dollars if you one day soon have to go to another. 


i honestly havent found anything better to list and handle inventory than the program i chose. i do need a little better purchase order functionality, but i have tried the 500 programs a month (about 6 of them), and none of them does what sixbit does for the selling, listing, and managing listings, 


you can try both . and see what works best for you. 


they are both kinda in depth, sixbit moreso. but with both thats because they have more features than the saas programs (i.e. the online stuff). 


they both run on your computer, and they will download an sql server to your computer. basically thats the only way you truly own and control everything you do. 


also sixbit has absolutely no plans to ever do an online program (the owner wants to keep it as a program and server on the users computer), and i believe wonder lister is the same way

Message 29 of 57
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Son of Turbo Lister coming real soon now?

Thank You.................. I was just trying to create a lsiting on xpress lister................. a bit of a nightmare. looks like sixbit for us. Thanks again.

Message 30 of 57
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