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Springing Into MARCH CHAT

March is here...FINALLY!


I was asked  just this morning:






march calendar.png



~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
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Springing Into MARCH CHAT

Oh my goodness Hoss-I know what you are going threw.. I am so sorry this is happening to you..

Parts of my house and daughters still looks like a hoarders house.. every nook and cranny is full of my Mother-in-laws and sister-in-laws stuff, and they God Bless them were both hoarders.. It was all left up to my husband and I to clean the house out.. We made a lot of mistakes by having someone come in and help.. They tossed everything that I did not grab and my one daughter into a big dumpster, I did not even see things going, it went so fast.. They had sheds in the back full of things they collected and it almost all went. I should have had a hoarders house sale or something, and I didn't 😞 My husband didn't want to deal with it and it was left up to me mostly..Clothing still with tags on, YOU name it they had it..Purses in the 100's Hats , gloves, I just hope that stuff went to a good home and they could use it. A lot was donated, more then I wanted to part with.. However my husband did not want all that stuff from 50 years in that house over at our house..

Sorry for the rant!!


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Springing Into MARCH CHAT

It is warming up here today, finally, almost 70°! I'm enjoying it...or will be when I am done working...


I hope to be able to get outside tonite and clean out some of my flower beds. My rock garden is pretty bad looking, the bee balm stalks are so ugly. Plus i want to get a close look at the tiny yucca i planted last summer. I'm not sure it made it 😞

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
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Springing Into MARCH CHAT

Got up from my sick bed & mustered enough strength to uncover & check on my plants.  I knew they needed some watering bad. Looks like freeze got 9-10..could have been worse. Remainder are kinda scrawny but I think they will survive since I buried the stems. I`ll plant more when I am over this completely..took a slight set back Sunday..and last nite was horrible as it finally broke loose & made me very ill.  Was up & down all nite.


Stayed on couch till nearly 2pm todayjust had to get out & get some fresh air tho.

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
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Springing Into MARCH CHAT

Just checkin in ,


(((Hoss)))),,sorry you have to go through all this. Sending up some prayers to help ya deal with it all.

Hang in there heart


(((((((Sarah))))))), hope you get to feeling better soon. I finally got some of my seeds started, trying out this handy dandy holder thingy. It has a lid which I took off to take pictures. I have more to plant but am waiting off for a few more minutes..Sorry you lost some maters 😞 

garden 2015 003.jpg



Well I got to go to a mock jury trial and it was fun 🙂 Didn't hurt none that they paid 200.00 for the day and provided meals. I swear I make more money doing those taste tests and surveys then epay is allowing me. Wonder if one could make a "career" just doing those??


Our weather was just beautiful yesterday the bald eagles were flying overhead , the sun was shining and so we fired up the grill again, today is another story, we are expecting some strong storms,  let's hope they leave my trees alone !!!!

Well I hope to start listing this week, hope it's not all in vain.


Buddy is doing well, yesterday was the big change in meds, so now it's wait and see Smiley Frustrated Could take a few days till the "effects" if any show up so keep you fingers crossed and a prayer or two would be nice if'n ya'll have the time.


Well best get me butt in gear hagd everyone

WAVS~~~~~~ to all 🙂

You can't fix crazy but you sure can document it.
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