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JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Hard to beeelieve it is JUNE already!! Mercy!! Year is nearly half gone!


Anyhoo..welcome to the June chat..come sit a spell..take a load off (your feet OR your mind).  I`ll go fix some lemonade & Sweet Tea of course..with some nice cool water for any T-totalers.



~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
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JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

My suggestion is to just bring something - not ask because they'll probably tell you it's covered!   When they first ask, you can say you'll bring rolls and butter, or dessert, or something.  Or just show up with a pot of meatballs - goes with almost anything as appetizer or with main course.  Buy a bag of frozen ones and add a jar of either gravy or spaghetti sauce, and they'll think you cooked all day.  Or you could pick up something special just for them like a pretty plant or movie tickets or dinner certificate,

 photo rose_zps07ff3a19.jpg
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JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Yeah, I see what you're saying. Like, by me asking "anything I can bring?" kind of puts them in a position where they'd feel like they're asking. If I phrase things differently like, "Hey, I'm going to pick up some dessert, any preferences?" that would be better?
I know this is stuff you are all probably familiar with so I apologize if my questions seem simplistic or provoke thoughts of "duh!"
I should have learned at a much younger age but I'm new to all of this. 

I like the rolls and butter or meatballs idea. Thanks 😄


Regarding the plant/tickets idea:

I did do some googling on how to be a proper dinner guest and I did read mentions of bringing flowers or small gifts but I'm wondering if that's a little too formal and would be hard to be consistent with as they invite people over (sometimes just a couple, sometimes a larger group) every week. 

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JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Iftimefalls:  Do the other guests bring things?  That might be a clue for you.  Wine is always good.  Sometimes when we have folks over (mostly family cause we don't know many couples) they all bring stuff and it irritates me because I have planned a menu and all the extra food is not needed.  (I know that sounds churlish.)  Part of that problem is that when they all bring extras there is no place to  put it all.


Perhaps you could invite them to go out for dessert someplace or breakfast.  I don't know your finances but that might be a way to entertain them without having to bring them to you home.


Are we going to have a new chat or just stay with this one?

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