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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

I've been thinking of suggesting something different this year. Instead of doing a gift exchange, what does everyone think of giving back to the community? With all the fires in CA and things like school lunch debt, there's plenty of opportunities to help those in need. On reveal day, we could each post about what we did, pictures optional. What do you all think?

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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

I’ll do both and I don’t mind shipping outside of the country
Go sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.

As Good as It Gets I absolutely love this movie
Message 31 of 41
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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

I'd be interested in both.

Can the charitable deal be a donation to an animal shelter? They always have a want/need list.
Message 32 of 41
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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

An animal shelter sounds like a great idea to me. 🙂



Message 33 of 41
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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

Count me in for both.


Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 34 of 41
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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

I miss last year and don't know all the details on how you guys are doing this but would be greatly interested in maybe sending out a small piece of jewelry inside love costume jewelry. Keep me updated

Message 35 of 41
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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

I am in with anything .


I am currently obsessed with Maggie:


I follow her and I am in awe how kind she is


So put me in for whatever 🙂

ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ Patty ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ
Message 36 of 41
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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

If no one else desperately wants the job, I'll volunteer for this year's Secret Santa project.


Anyone want to wrest it from my hands? Thoughts? 



Message 37 of 41
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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

I thought about it...for about two seconds. You're welcome to it! 

She who dies with the most toys still dies; when's the estate sale?
Message 38 of 41
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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

Thirry, thanks so much for volunteering to coordinate the Secret Santa. 


Message 39 of 41
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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

Thanks Thirry!

Message 40 of 41
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Alternative to Secret Santa this year. Thoughts?

Oki doki! I'll definitely take charge of the administrative end.

Message 41 of 41
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