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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?


Has anyone had success with growing rainbow roses from seeds you purchased from eBay Sellers?



Message 1 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

So theres no point in reporting a fake "rainbow rose seed" seller ?

and yes I bought some , havn't recieved them yet .

Message 61 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

Well although I feel rather stupid now at least I'm not the only one.

I like most of you have bought these and only after a family member showing me this link realised I'd been had. Not even going to attempt to try and grow them...

Message 62 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

I got caught out with this,
Bought 200 seeds and l
Planted them in different composts,
8 months later nothing has grown,
I can usually grow anything from
Message 63 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

Nobody will. The rainbow roses, while real, are individually crafted by injecting dyes in the stalk to make the petals different hues. Any one selling these are a scam.  


The dyes are produced from natural plant extracts and are absorbed by the flowers as they grow.

A special process then controls how much colour reaches each petal — withspectacular results. By treating the stalk with natural pigments, van de Werken has managed to make each petal a different colour. The pigment is absorbed and travels to the petals where it changes their hue.

Mr van de Werken, 36, said: "We used to only sell single colour flowers but the market for them took a dip. Myself and my colleagues started looking for something a bit different and came up with the idea of having different-coloured flowers. First of all we tried spraying the flowers but that did not work. Then we tried the dye. It took us about six months to get it right and we still make mistakes."

Message 64 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

I have grown them from seed , they are small bushes about 10inch high , but they have not flowerd yet but as far as I can tell they seem well on there way will keep every one informed John
Message 65 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

Yes had successfully tonight a seedling appear so excited try putting a plastic cup on top of your plant pot to act as a greenhouse it works you just need a little patients 

Message 66 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

Best you will end up with a hearty root stock verity of rose. These are the easiest to start from seed, Hybrid teas (which are dyed to produce a rainbow rose) are near to impossible to start from seeds. Think of them as mules. over 99% will be sterile. Very rarely will a mule be able to produce a foal. only one documented case. Hybrid Teas are so hard to grow from seed that they are produced by grafting cuttings onto Plain Jane natural roses. That's why if you get a rose bush you need to be careful that any shoots below the graft are removed or the natural rootstock rose will take over.

Message 67 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

Hi did you manage to grow your roses? were they coloured?

I just bought mine today, before reading the comments... 😞

Thanks, please reply

Message 68 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

Soo these True Blood rose seeds are not going to look close to the flowers I saw?


Message 69 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

I went ahead and purchased them to try to grow a rose from seed...any rose. I figured they would be white (I even said that in review). I ended up with like 120 seeds for .99. I've tried several ways to get these to sprout over the last 4mos, but nothing has happened. The instruction they send can't be right either 70C is just too high a temp to start anything except a evergreen! How am I supposed to keep water at that high a temp for overnight anyway? To be fair though, I have tried many other rose seeds (including my own) and still have nothing. I am stratifing some now, but the person from China said no it's been done. Either way I lost .99 not that big a deal. I give that to a Starbucks barista a few times a week.
Message 70 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?


Wise question! Look too good to be true? The pictures you see are plain white roses where the stems were placed in dye.  I can't understand why eBay allows this fraud. They act so caring yet allow this fraud to continue year after year.

Message 71 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

One thing that can be done is to keep loading the reporting system with reports of fraudulent listings every time you see these things.  As has been said earlier, there are many seeds sold from Asia (not just China) that are not as advertised.  I bought Cyclamen seeds (which can come true from seed - I've grown them before), and got stale fenugreek seeds.  All the seeds in that order that I could identify were miscellaneous old or mouldy herb or spice seeds (fenugreek, yellow mustard, amaranth, etc.).  I got a full refund from the seller, left negative feedback, and have reported all of these seeds to eBay as fraudulent.


The seller was appalled that I'd leave negative feedback after getting refunded.  A lengthy email correspondence ensued.  I pointed out how much more necessary it was to warn seed buyers considering how long it would otherwise be before most would give up on germinating the seeds or find out they weren't true to variety or species.  The seller wasn't too happy, and wanted me to alter my feedback.  


Other than that one experience, I've had good success with buying seeds on eBay, and have no particular hesitation to continue doing so.  

Message 72 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

I planted 50 rainbow seeds a year ago, and only one seed grew. Now it's a plant, but still no roses. When roses grow, I will try to inform you how things are developing 🙂Image of a rainbow rose, growing

Message 73 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

I've had a pack of 50 in a seed growing tray for a month,after soaking for 24 hours. None have germinated. I also did not receive any instructions nor was it disclosed the dyeing process. The only instructions were in the add saying you can GROW Rainbow Roses.... very unhappy...get it together eBay
Message 74 of 99
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Rainbow Roses- Seeds for Sale?

I'm sorry you were taken in by this scam. Only wild roses come true from seed. Cultivated roses do not come true from seed; they are propagated from cuttings or root division. The roses in these photos are fakely colored. These sellers should be banned from Ebay.

Message 75 of 99
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