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I came home today and found pink depression glass relish dish Jewel pattern on the floor in pieces JUMPED off the shelf it was on ,only piece that was on the floor in many pieces the other three pieces were still sitting on the shelf .the piece has a mind of its own .like it did not want to be there any more also two Aunt Polly blue bowls broke in half in the china hutch mystery will never be solved.I have been collecting for over twenty years and never had this happen to me .Has anyone else had this happen to them ? bright side is now have room for something else
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Great theories one & all! I can't come up w/anything except possible past-life energies! Ah--are we not creatures of habit/routine? Darn--they COUNT the deer? What is the DNR plane? To me DNR means Do Not Resuscitate! I do so love deer! They have a regal attitude & their delicate graceful lines are breathtaking! We don't have nearly as many as we used to have. The poor things are being driven out of their natural habitat & running onto the road. It is so heartbreaking....... Hedgie
Message 16 of 49
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hedgie department of natural resources (DNR)
Message 17 of 49
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ever heard of this

OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! So THAT'S what DNR means! Boy--was I off the mark or what? GIGGLE! Bb--did you think Do Not Resuscitate as well? LOL! Klvd--so--they really DO count the deer? Are they tagged? Hedgie
Message 18 of 49
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they count so they can determine what hunting zone is considered a T zone meaning you have to shoot a doe first before you can get a buck deer control for crop damage . I like your version of D N R better.17 in the back yard tonight had to cut up a couple trees that fell over feasting on all the young leaf buds .quite the sight to see -- Edited by klvd8220 at 02/11/2010 4:48 PM PST
Message 19 of 49
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Hedgie -- you are sooo funny. DNR -- do not resuscitate!!! Maybe the deer were 'frolicking' on the back deck causing untoward vibrations!!!]:)Must be why there are so many around. Is it mating season?? (BB -- Know you would love this response!!) Geoff
Message 20 of 49
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My word! Wouldn't it be hard to count deer? I mean seriously, it's not as if they wear name tags........ oh gps--you are right--bb is going to have a field day w/this one! GIGGLE! Hedgie
Message 21 of 49
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And it's not as if they wear numbers like the Serta Counting Sheep.................. Poor little darlings. Hedgie
Message 22 of 49
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I still like our physic theory...%^) At least you all GET a break - mine's home 24/7. Drives me up a wall some days...
Message 23 of 49
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Agreed, Mouse! SMILE! Heavens to Besty--24/SEVEN? In my house I don't know who'd go nuts first--him or me! HA HA HA! Hedgie
Message 24 of 49
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Maybe all that "psychic energy," that karma from "being driven up the wall" just pushed that plate off the shelf!! My, my..... I am remined of the broken pickle dish in Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome. Have you ever read it?? Ethan is married to Zeena who is a sickly, wimpering hypochondriac. Her cousin Mattie comes to live with the Fromes in Starksville, MA, where the winters and the snow never seem to lift (can you identify with that right now???). Anyway, Ethan who feels trapped falls for the lovely, young, energetic Mattie, and on one night when Zeena is away from the farmhouse for an overnight visit to her doctor in the city, Ethan and Mattie have a somewhat reserved romantic evening. As part of it, Mattie uses Zeena's prized pink glass pickle dish (a wedding present which Zeena herself never uses -- wont' go into the symbolism there!!) and the dish breaks in two. Rather than repair it, Ethan places it back in the shelf propped up to hide the breach. Needless to say, later on Zeena discovers the broken dish... Won't tell you the rest -- but the pickle dish incident is highly symbolic on several levels and literary critics have made much of it. To me, the broken glass mystery herein discussed, brought the whole incident to mind. We should start a book club centered around discussion of glass in the great works of literature. Bet we could put Oprah's Book Club right out of business!! Geoff -- Edited by gps500reading at 02/14/2010 3:07 PM PST
Message 25 of 49
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:^O:^O:^O:^O That is a Great Comparison Geoff! Now I have to go find that book. Sounds like a must read, my curiosity is peeked!:^O:^O:^O:^O -- Warmest Regards, Yan
Warmest Regards,
Message 26 of 49
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HA HA HA! Never read it but it DOES sound interesting, to say that least! Wonder if it's in my little local library? Hedgie
Message 27 of 49
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I am all for putting Oprah book club out of business.she should start pushing depression glass and it would take off like it was back in the early 80s
Message 28 of 49
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LOL, klvd -- what a hysterical idea. We should write a proposal to the Oprah show to do a "glass" segment in her last year so she could go out with a "sparkle." All we have to do is think of an interesting angle.... Good idea! Geoff
Message 29 of 49
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:^O BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shall we all put on our thinking caps in order to peak Oprah's interest? :-x Hedgie
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