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♥ Playtime ♥

G'day on eBay ~ ~ ~ Diane
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♥ Playtime ♥


This has to be the 'early' bubble because of the oily face like the #5PT.  Her hair looks black to me(need better pic)and when compare with a brunette, it does look black.  Was '61 the year for black hair bubbles? 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1081 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

hello gals waving to everyone~~~


Tina you're building up a fantastic Barbie collection!

you sure are doing a frisky business with your holiday decorations, you found a fantastic niche, that's awesome hon.  


hiya Tootie 🙂


Hi Shirley i waited a long time to see your barbies so post all the pictures you want because fer'sure i enjoy seeing 'em

oh i know you don't do FB.  and not to worry, i will NEVER abandon my topic!!!  before the ebay overhauled the boards, there were over 10,000 views. 


my mix'N'match Jeannies ~ enjoy a nice weekend, hoping warmer temps descend on all of us ~ Hugs, Diane

G'day on eBay ~ ~ ~ Diane
Message 1082 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

Hey all!  Quiet night with the game.  OMAHA is the word.


Rootie, I know who you are rooting for.  I'm not watching.


Diane- Your little Jeannie needs to join my Jeannie.  No problem with posting pics, there are so many..........Smiley Embarassed  I like the Jeannie pipe you have there.(or whatever it is called).  Saw one at GW and almost picked it up thinking it would make a nice accessory in the doll room.  Sure adds color!


Beautiful day today!  Got into the low 60's.  Expecting snow tomorrow night and back down to the 20's*.  It needs to stay one way....cold or warm.  Not this yo yo thing.


Have a good one! 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1083 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥


This came out dark!  I like my 35mm much better than this digital.  Anyway, here is the girls' new bed.  Used the box that clementines came in.  These are 2 GW gals that I got for their bodies but they are too cute to dismantle:-)

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1084 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

hahaaa Shirley, Jeannie lived in the bottle you knew that!

G'day on eBay ~ ~ ~ Diane
Message 1085 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

Love the pink shoes on that barbie Shirls!  So cute!


And you're right about who I was rooting for - and they won!  Whole town is now going nuts, in a good way.


Long day today, I was up way too early and then decided I just couldn't work this afternoon so I took off early.  Going to make it an early night and hopefully I will get to sleep in a bit tomorrow - don't have to be at work until 8 or so.  Hooray!


Our weather is just cold.  I don't think it hit 40 today but the sun was shining and it was just beautiful.  Best part of my commute is seeing the mountains and these really cold, clear days are perfect for viewing the mountains.


Going to watch a little TV and head to bed.  Have a good night!

“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 1086 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

Hey Rootie! ~  I thought of you last night when we turned the channel just to peek at who was winning.  WOW.  Did you make a bunch of noise? haha!!  I am hoping you get a good night's sleep and don't wake up too early....but I have this feeling someone is going to be up.

We had rain last night that turned into icey roads this morning.  Had a little dusting of snow on top of that.  Stayed cold and cloudy today.  Supposed to do a lot more rain tomorrow with maybe even a thunderstorm tossed in.  Then perhaps the icey thing again Wednesday morn.  Freaky.

What a scenic drive you have to work.  Makes the drive more fun esp. when you are going to work.  Loved it in MN when went to work early in the morning and could see the sunrise over all the lakes.  Just beautiful.  Have some pictures somewhere.  Used to keep the camera handy anywhere I went in those days so would even stop on way to work to catch some sunrise shots.


I thought those little pink sneakers were perfect for Barbie.


Diane ~  I could not think of 'bottle' to save my soulSmiley LOL

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1087 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

Shirley I really like your Francie and Casey--they look fab in those clothes!  And Debra your bubble is nice.  I like the white lips too for some reason and almost bought a bubble head with perfect white lips on ebay recently.  I didn't though cause she had bad green ear.  Anyway, great pix!

Message 1088 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

Oops, sorry--Tina has the white lipped bubble--nice doll and outfit! And Shirley, I forgot to say how much I like your kitty in her leopard coat--adorable!
Message 1089 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

OK I think we can start posting Valentine pix now, right??  😄  Here's my Cali Girl with a couple friends.  Barbie Loves M & M's!!


Message 1090 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

Storm--she is really cute!


This is my one and only Valentine-theme Barbie--With Love Barbie from 2005.


Her skirt, necklace and purse are original--the rest is replaced.



 photo SignatureCJS.jpg
Message 1091 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

Storm ~  I can forget about Francie and Casey on that closet shelf pretty easily.   I was thinking about posting something for Valentine's soon too.  Thought your tanned Barbie looked familiar.  She is cute in her outfit and with her friendsSmiley Wink  For some reason(doll addict) I just HAD to buy one in the box last summer.


Carolyn ~  That skirt is pretty!  I think all the little plastic purses for Barbie are kind of cute.  They would make a neat display all together.


You both have reminded me that I need to get my Valentine cards done!!

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1092 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

Hey Rootie!  You must be crashed asleep.  Have a good one and just think, 2 more days after tomorrow and it is the week-end!  I think it has stopped raining...either that or it is freezing.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1093 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥

Quick commentary before I post pictures.


Diane-thanks for the encouragement regarding Ebay-its a niche alright that is now dead as a doornail-I need to look into some other items to sell.

Storm-your Cali Girl is super cute and pretty. She rings true to me with the Barbies I grew up with.

Shirley-did you see the Bob Mackie sketch for his latest's going to be a Fairy !!! Smiley Happy

Carolyn-your valentine gal is very pretty-its always great to see your dolls.


Happy Valentines Day-here is Ms. battery was running low so I had to be quick...


Message 1094 of 9,230
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♥ Playtime ♥


Message 1095 of 9,230
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