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Shipping on eBay ~ Seller's Who Do Not Purchase A Tracking Number.

Hello eBay Community.


This short suggestion is in regards to a subject everyone can relate too from sellers to buyers on eBay.  That is...  Tracking Numbers.  Believe it or not...  Tracking Numbers serve a purpose.  That is... 1.. It's a way for your CUSTOMERS to know where there item is after you shipped it. 


In this day of door to door delievery theft is a major concern.  Buyers like myself who actually have a Post Office Box so that item's delievered make it into our hands instead of in a theifs pocket...  Have to actually drive to the Post Office to get our mail.  Sometimes this can be down the block or clear across town.  From a buyers perspective..  It's HELPFUL to know where your item IS AT after you paid for it.  Anyone who has a Post Office Box can tell ya... It's easier to walk to the curb to check the mail box than drive clear across town to check a Post Office Box...


From a Seller's Perspective...  sometimes the benefits do not equal the rewards.   As a person who has been buying and selling on eBay since 1998..  I know when you selling an item on eBay and you make less than $1.00 on it.. You really don't want to BUY a tracking number when the cost of a STAMP is cheaper...  Yeah that's all fine and dandy but the  customer may not view it the same way and it's actually can be considered (by some) as sellers being CHEAP.


My opinion, for what it's worth...  Any seller who is willing to list an item on eBay... should be willing to purchase a tracking number.  Why?.  Easy...  Not only does it HELP the buyer, it helps YOU, the SELLER !!.   Ugh, hello folks let's get with the program!.  This little tracking number show's that you shipped the item!!.  If you can't prove you shipped the item...   YOU DIDN'T !!.  It's up to the SELLER to PROVE they shipped the item.  If you think otherwise...  Well...  Let time and many forced refunds later.. serve as a reminder.


People...  if you sell on eBAY don't be CHEAP.  Buy a tracking number for every item!!.  eBAy should REQUIRE it as part of Seller Standards and this should be a top priority.  If you sell on eBay and don't buy a tracking number, respectfully...  what's wrong with you and WHY not??.

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