on 09-13-2018 07:04 PM
Still not getting any emails about new listings in my saved searches. How about you? CS agent on Facebook claims there is no such known problem and is trying to blame my ISP, but I was getting them one day and not the next. Then I complained to eBay and they returned for a week but then quit again. Because I had made no change to anything, that proved the problem had to be at eBay but they keep denying it. I have even gone so far as to change browsers and eBay email addresses but still nothing. No, they aren't in Spam. An advanced Search in my Yahoo mail account proves they aren't anywhere so they simply aren't being sent.
I have asked eBay five times for a list of items they claimed to have sent me emails about on a particular day, but they do not respond to my request in any way (stonewall). And I still get emails about watched items ending, auctions lost, won, paid and shipped, so there can't be any email filters blocking emails about new listings. Yet, eBay still wants me to believe I am somehow magically to blame for their emails appearing and disappearing over and over.