on 07-28-2018 02:53 PM
How long does it take to fix things in scripts here. Maybe the person who's working on it, isn't the right person to have in charge of it? It shouldn't take 3 months to fix things, like when you "pick the way you want your store to be searched", setup. Or when you want it to "search a certain way" and you can't save it that way. It's a problem with the Save not working. Who writes the scripts, could we hear from him or her? It's very frustrating for me, and I bet it is for others too when you ask for somethinig to be fixed or maybe even added, and you never hear another word, and it never gets fixed. I sell hundreds of things online, and post hundreds. Now when someone asks me to take a lower price, I have to go back and look at what I bought it for. It takes me all day to find ONE item because they won't add a search under history. Why won't you guys do that? It would save me tons of time looking. You're always asking what will improve ebay. That's a big one for me. I have asked a dozen times, but nothing, not even a reply. So thanks again for reading, doubt I will get a reply from the correct people that can do something about it. If anyone has any ideas, please respond. Thank you!