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Option - Cancellation reason Out of stock or damagedOut of stock or damaged

As I always do I carried out a final check on an item I had sole before sending and noticed on the camera lens a small line. This being the case I did not think fair to send to the buyer, so I refunded, in fact I went further than that and offered to purchaee another of the same from eBay free of charge (they did not respond. My question is the option states "Cancellation reason Out of stock or damagedOut of stock or damaged" yet after that it all gets merked as "out of stock" and you get hit on standards as your fault fro being out of stock.  To my mind I was actually providing a better service in not sending an item that was not 100%. I attempted to speak to support about this and to be honest they just did not understand what I was asking (no surprise there). Wy does it forst state "out of stock OR damamged". as the option and after just have it as out of stock. Like several of the links on ebay web pages some re this question just do not work. (IT standards ar eBay are terrible). Anybody help please?



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Option - Cancellation reason Out of stock or damagedOut of stock or damaged

It's good business practice to attempt to compensate for your errors, but that doesn't change the fact that the item the buyer purchased could not be shipped. Therefore the defect remains.

Volunteer Community Mentor, buying and selling on eBay since 2004

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