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Just thought I would share this because it's unreal to me

My fifteen year old son tried to commit suicide; he's home now after a while in the hospital and then the behavioral health hospital.  I was late shipping because I have been tied up dealing with all kinds of stuff. I explained this to a buyer, and sent her a refund through PayPal.  I sent the money to her email because managed payments is no longer putting money in my PayPal account, and because I didn't want her to have to wait for it.  She opened a return to try to get her money back the day after she got her money (sent on 09/29, finished processing from my bank 10/03, return opened on 10/04).  What sort of monster says stuff like this to a mother in crisis, while trying to steal money from her by asking eBay to get her a double refund?  She even said she got the refund already in messages.  I am shocked.  When I started on eBay in 2008 it was like a community, and people were kind to each other.  I sent this lady a refund, I offered her the suit plus another one for her trouble, and she tries to get eBay to help her steal from me and tells me she hopes my child will move on to a better and healthier location?  Ugh, I've been in AA since he was four, I'll have eleven years next Monday.  I'm a substance abuse counselor and I work in a treatment center two days a week because I'm home with him the rest of the time and going to college to be a psychologist remotely.  Why says stuff like this to people?  Sorry, just venting ...but I am shocked! 


"Will no longer shop this service due to stress on my failing heart can longer manage high stress level of online shopping to buy a gift will now just give a plant Or a gift card. This had been a eye opener that made me lose hope! Wishing you all the best! Thanks for nothing but grief 😩🤯 my prayers for your son to get better and move on to a better healthier encouraging location to thrive!"


I am really starting to dislike people.

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