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Is there any incentive to sellers (aside from feedback after the fact)to not waste Friday?

Can we maybe inspire sellers to get it in gear a bit?
Lately, if I order on a Thursday, the seller just as often as not lets Friday waste away.
I think maybe they are under the impression that just because there is no pickup and delivery on weekends, the mail doesn't move at all.
That's not true.
When sellers waste Friday, they are actually wasting an entire week because the weekend is three days where the item can be working its way to me instead of sitting on their desk.
There should be some incentive -- A REAL incentive -- to sellers to get on the ball and SHIP purchases the same day when ordered prior to close of business.

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Is there any incentive to sellers (aside from feedback after the fact)to not waste Friday?

I sincerely hope you wrote that in jest...


I doubt eBay could come up with an incentive large enough for a seller to quit his paying job so that he can ship your item the same day. Many sellers, if not most, have jobs outside of eBay.


Or maybe...


The seller's volume is so heavy, he can't ship everything daily.

The seller has to go to his chemotherapy treatments on Fridays.

The seller likes to take Friday off or otherwise have a life...

There are millions and millions of sellers on eBay and so there are millions and millions of reasons for setting their handling times the way they do.


Sellers set their handling times based on how quickly they can ship. The handling time can be anything up to 30 days. That handling time is built into the estimated delivery date shown on the listing. If that date isn't quick enough for you, just look for a different seller. (Or "get it in gear" and go buy that purchase you left to the last minute locally... 😏)

Volunteer Community Mentor, buying and selling on eBay since 2004

Message 2 of 9
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Is there any incentive to sellers (aside from feedback after the fact)to not waste Friday?

You could always order on Mondays and not wait until Thursday.

For some......It seems wisdom has been chasing you, but you have always been faster.
Message 3 of 9
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Is there any incentive to sellers (aside from feedback after the fact)to not waste Friday?

Really? You know, while we're being proactive, I could always just switch to Amazon.

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Is there any incentive to sellers (aside from feedback after the fact)to not waste Friday?

I didn't write it in jest.
Though I can see there are many people who operate their business that way.
I'll just laugh over here...on Amazon.

Message 5 of 9
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Is there any incentive to sellers (aside from feedback after the fact)to not waste Friday?

@k80theshade wrote:

Really? You know, while we're being proactive, I could always just switch to Amazon.

Yes, you can certainly do that as well.  Or look at the ESTIMATED delivery date on the listing, and if that doesn't work for you, look for another seller.

Volunteer Community Member

Message 6 of 9
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Is there any incentive to sellers (aside from feedback after the fact)to not waste Friday?

No. No, it's Amazon for me. Chao.

Message 7 of 9
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Is there any incentive to sellers (aside from feedback after the fact)to not waste Friday?

@k80theshade wrote:

I didn't write it in jest.
Though I can see there are many people who operate their business that way.
I'll just laugh over here...on Amazon.


Amazon is fine if Amazon is doing the shipping.

If Amazon is not doing the shipping, it isn't much faster.

Have a great day.
Message 8 of 9
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Is there any incentive to sellers (aside from feedback after the fact)to not waste Friday?

Yup... Maybe a place that treats their employees like robotic machines is a better match for you than supporting a marketplace of small entrepreneurs, each running their businesses in their own unique way.


Everyone has to find where they are most comfortable... Glad we could help!

Volunteer Community Mentor, buying and selling on eBay since 2004

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