on 06-12-2019 06:16 AM
I have noticed that eBay has recently taken it upon itself to tax pretty much everything that isn't nailed down. This morning I paid 42 cents on a 45 RPM record that I bought for $1.75. The postage charge was $3.50 making the total $5.25 then making the grand total $5.67. This "tax" fee is excessive and it is wrong for an entity to take it upon itself to access improper fees. It appears that I am paying tax on the shipping as well and that is not right. If I have time, I will look closer at all my recent purchases and if there are other bloated tax charges, I will report it to the Attorney General's office of my state for assistance. As it stands, I am rethinking all purchases made on eBay and will only buy on eBay if it is something I can't do without. It's a shame that eBay is subscribing to the "Greed is good" philosophy.