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Cannot italicize, boldface, underline--and paragraphs run together forming a long sentence!

A problem I've had before on the Community boards has resurfaced. This past week I posted a reply on Town Square, and I was able to both boldface and underline part of my message. All was well. But then a day or so later, the icons allowing me to do those things did not appear above the message field. BEFORE, I would correct this problem by hitting F12, which opened a window indicating browser info. I then clicked on the compatibility (?) icon in the original window. After a while, I'd hit F12 again to remove the new screen. Hitting the refresh icon then would complete the 'fix'. I would then be able to italicize, boldface, etc. NOW, this procedure does not correct the problem. When I hit F12, I see this: BROWSER MODE: IE9 COMPAT VIEW DOCUMENT MODE: IE7 STANDARDS I've twice visited the Microsoft site and seen that I'm running IE9 for Vista. (''The latest browser for Windows Vista''.) Anyone have an idea what's going on?

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