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Ebay needs to hurry up.

We need the clues so we can atleast go to bed for like a few hours then come back on here after those few hours and start at the next set of clues. Sounds like a plan?

Waaaay too easy.

I FOUND IT TOO!!! Along with 20,000,000 other people at the same time. Maybe ebay realized we are all psychotic from sleep/food deprivation and is making the clues easier...

User avatar by Enthusiast
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Goodnight Lady liberty

Im outta here.this is rigged. David chu did a good job of marketing and sending subliminal messages through the refresh button to buy and sell more on ebay. Goodnight.

User avatar by Adventurer
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tomorrows clues

since all of todays were posted yesterday around 10 PM, should we assume that tomorrows will be posted under today around the same time?

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