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Photo Challenge/February 2013

Please join us in our January PHOTO CHALLENGE!

  This photo was taken by a good friend Theo Naude who is a professional photographer in South Africa, he has given me permission to use his work. This was a little lizard that was living in his garden.

The idea is simple: everyone paints, draws, collages, or arts in any way from the same photo. Let us see the world through your eyes.

It is up to you how you interpret this photo. We always think it's great fun to see different views of the same subject!

The favorite interpretation of the photo (by member voting) will be featured in the group's home page for a month.

Please post your completed ACEO pieces in this thread anytime within the "Time Frame" below.

You may enter as many ACEOs as you wish, but they must all be interpretations of the same photo. They do not have to be listed on eBay to be eligible.

Time Frame - this activity runs from February follows:

1)  From 2/15/08 to 2/22/13 at midnight eBay time: post your entries in this thread. All you need to enter is to post your ACEO here within this time frame. Any entries posted outside this time frame will net be eligible - no exceptions!

2)  2/23/13 - Polls go up for voting.  Voting ends at midnight 2/27/13

3)  2/28/13 - The winner is announced and the winning interpretation is posted on our home page.

Let's see how much participation we can have... What medium do you use? How creative can you be? Show us!

Any questions, please ask in this thread…
Have fun!

P.S. If you have images you want to donate for future photo challenges, please post them in this thread: (you must be the author or hold the copyrights and agree to have other members use it for inspiration, even if it is not selected for the photo challenge).


Reality was once someone's dream.
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

Ha! Godzilla was my entry last time 🙂


Message 2 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

hi Jules!  This would be my very first time, ever doing this.  I'm still trying to figure out, my way around in the forum, 🙂  I would LOVE to enter into a photo challenge, but don't quite know all the rules for it.  Does it have to be a painting, done on an ACEO card?  Or can it be a photo, I have taken, & sized to an ACEO measurement?  I actually have an ACEO watercolor painting I just finished, & would love to enter that.  It is actually from a photo, that I snapped,  in my own backyard!  Waited a year for these birds to return! Trying to figure out, how to attach photo.  Oh,  I have no listings on right now.  Just received my new scanner, so I can scan quality photos, of my art.

-- Edited by naturespeakstome at 02/08/2013 1:51 PM PST
Message 3 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

Nature the contest is to interpret the photo that is posted in this thread everyone uses the same photo The rules for the contest are listed with the photo

Reality was once someone's dream.
Message 4 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

SOOO Bummed I didn't have time to do the last one but this one looks fun too. Starting right after lunch.

= ) Debrah


Message 5 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

I enjoyed the last photo contest so much I am starting mine today hope I can figure out how to upload it this time.  Hope to see lots of others enter it is great fun!

Message 6 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

I've been working on mine this week for the Feb photo challenge too!  I hope to finish soon!


Sherry, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
Message 7 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

I hate to be the first one to post, but here it goes.  This photo was so much fun to work with; I couldn't stop with just one painting.  The first one is more serious while the second one is purely whimsical.


I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has created.:-)



Message 8 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

Someone has to be first..I really like them both, but the lizard with the flowers is my favorite is he a watercolour??


Reality was once someone's dream.
Message 9 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

Here's my Photo Challenge entry.  I also enjoyed this subject so much I'm planning to do a series in different medium...I did this with ink and watercolor.

"Camo Lizard"

Message 10 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

Here is my entry.  I call him "Draco-meleon".  This is my first painting done on Ampersand museum board and I am in love! 😉 You may not be able to see in the pic, but I used glitter paint on the wings and flowers.  I love this little guy!!  Great Pic!!!



Message 11 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

Oh wow everyone has such great looking lizards.. This is going to be a hard month to decide.

Reality was once someone's dream.
Message 12 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

Great work, everyone!  This is so much fun.


Yes, my work is primarily in watercolors--Occasionally colored pencils and ink.  



Message 13 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

Here is my entry for the photo challenge.  The title is "The Lady and Her Pet - Out for a Stroll".  The zentangle in the background was done with Micron Pigma Pens and the fairy, chameleon and flora was done with gouache (opaque watercolor) on Canson 140# cold-pressed watercolor paper.  I loved the photo this month.  He was such a personable little dude!  It is also listed.  Just click on my listings to view it.  The listing has a much better and clearer pic of it.  I don't know why attached files always look so blurry here..... grrr....

-- Edited by welovegod at 02/15/2013 3:41 PM PST
Sherry, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
Message 14 of 29
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Photo Challenge/February 2013

Fabulous work, everyone! This is so much fun!


I've been working on one too, I will post it if I can finish it in time...

Message 15 of 29
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